Chinese New Year is approaching… Celebrate with our Ming Empire Promotion!

Webkinz Ming Empire Promotion

From January 28 to January 31, 2011, when you purchase select pieces of the Ming Empire Theme from Ganz eStore, you may qualify to receive one of two new Ming Empire Theme pieces for free!

Purchase all three Mighty Ming Bed, Red Ming Lantern and Descendants of the Dragon Statue within the same transaction to qualify for a Ming China Cabinet Feature Code! Your Feature Code will be emailed within 24 hours. Please note that separate transactions are required for each free Feature Code.

Purchase all three Ming Chi Coffee Table, Ming Chau Gong and Ming Sovereign Sofa within the same transaction to qualify for a Ming Tea Trolley Feature Code! Your Feature Code will be emailed within 24 hours. Please note that separate transactions are required for each free Feature Code.

After building your Pet's empire, dress it up by adding some items such as the Avant Garde Art Set and Sandstone Villa Floor/Wall Set. You can even find a few items from W-Shop for those final finishing touches!

Webkinz Ming Empire Promotion

Find these items and many more at Ganz eStore!

To use these items, you must have an active account.

333 Responses to Chinese New Year is approaching… Celebrate with our Ming Empire Promotion!

  1. Boblehead says:

    I wish life was easy and we didn’t have to do school work. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  2. Boblehead says:

    Love the new clothes sooooo cute. I wish I could fit in them because then I’d wear them!

  3. racerxfan19 says:

    I think this room is a great idea! but why is it e-store? everything in webkinz world is e-store! that is not fair! i think they should replace the plush room with this room!

  4. Furrycat9 says:

    Why does everything have to be E-store? I have a bunch of Webkinz, and I really enjoy them, but I do not want to spend real money for virtual items. Ganz should work more on the Webkinz features for everybody, and stop trying to push deluxe membership and the E-store on us.

  5. MyWebkinzRok says:

    Why is it E-store!! Webkinz should just delete e-store and deluxe! Everybody is mad! I would get that stuff but my parents said they’re not going to spend money basically on virtual stuff! I can only get plush webkinz because you actually got something besides something that is virtual. Delete e-store. Delete Deluxe.

  6. Webkinzisawesome says:

    I love the new plush theme in the wshop! I love the chance to win the waiter outfit this weekend. I love all the fun with the snowflakes. Ganz you are awesome. This theme is beautiful. Thank you for all the fun.

  7. Sarah says:

    Azcv, it does look cool, but it is all the same stuff in the w-shop. Just fancier and you have to pay for it.

  8. Sarah says:

    Yeah, gabbyss is right. Why should some one pay real money for FAKE stuff. And most of it is decoration and you can’t do anything with it.

  9. webkinzbff says:

    webkinz world SHOULD DELET ESTORE and deluxe . ALLMOST EVERYTHING NEW IS IN IT I DONT HAVE DELUXE AND THAT BECAUSE I CANT SO webkinz world needs to delet it .im sorry for people who love the estore and all that but what about people who isnt signed up for all that i agree with onlywebkinz5678911 delet the e store

  10. Guest says:

    It looks so cool! I wish I could get that contemporary artwork and the wall paper. It looks awesome.

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