Cohesive Color Designs in Webkinz Next

We played with cohesive color schemes in Webkinz Next. Which one of these designs is your favorite?

Pink Palace

Purple Rec Room With Full Bath

Green Indoor Garden

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



38 Responses to Cohesive Color Designs in Webkinz Next

  1. jessmine says:

    Green indoor garden is my favorite.

  2. wingsfan65 says:

    I’m not normally a “pink person” lol, but the Pink Palace looks fantastic–the colours are beautiful and nothing is “lost” even though the colours are gentle/muted, if that makes sense :)

  3. TropicalGirl says:

    Green Indoor Garden is my favorite, but the Pink Palace is a close second. They’re all cool though!

  4. moussemama says:

    green indoor garden

  5. Zooooooz says:

    I like the Green Indoor Garden best. I agree, frog, the paler schemes are too…pale. Pale is better as an accent, but purple and green…POP!

  6. My4Sweeties says:

    I love the Green Indoor Garden because I am a gardener, indoors and outdoors and this is my vibe!

    • explosive1 says:

      Ditto! I would love to make a Next greenhouse room! Does anyone know what the flooring is called, and where one can acquire it? Also, what is the tree/plant in the front left of the room? I didn’t know that you could have a veggie patch indoors. I’m digging that green checkerboard rug/tiles. Is that little faerie glade in the top back a PSI? Inquiring minds want to know!

      • My4Sweeties says:

        I think the flooring might be from the sunroom series. The faerie glade is the PSI for the Pixie Tiger. The tree next to the hot tub is the PSI for the sloth.

        • kalcan8 says:

          Hi My4Sweeties! Thank you for answering all of my questions from one of my side accounts! I already want to get a sloth eventually anyway, so I will be able to get my hands on that tree someday. I will have to try to trade for the faerie glade. I like a lot of the things about the pixie tiger, but I don’t prefer the feathers on other pets. Just like I don’t like the unicorn horn on other pets. It’s just me, I know, because lots of other people like those unique characteristics. Do you know if the sunroom series is mystery capsule only, or can I buy the flooring outright?

          • My4Sweeties says:

            II am pretty sure the sunroom series was a limited edition capsule from last year around the time that the Glamping Season started. You may be able to get the faerie glade in a trade. I have a number of pixie tigers and LOTS of extra glades!

  7. maryannwood58 says:

    All look great, but I love green.

  8. LivingAloha says:

    green indoor garden is nice

  9. mrmic5 says:

    They all are great and beautiful designs. I love the green indoor the best.

  10. frogwoman09 says:

    The purple Rec Room. It is darker and beautiful. The pink room is hard to see everything.

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