Cohesive Color Designs in Webkinz Next

We played with cohesive color schemes in Webkinz Next. Which one of these designs is your favorite?

Pink Palace

Purple Rec Room With Full Bath

Green Indoor Garden

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38 Responses to Cohesive Color Designs in Webkinz Next

  1. bwholstein says:

    The green garden is my favourite, although the purple rec room is a close second.

  2. iamtntru says:

    I love the pink palace.

  3. raysgirl16 says:

    They are all great, but I like a dark and light color scheme.

  4. duff428 says:

    I like the purple with the contrast.

  5. shaureen says:

    green indoor garden

  6. Dot750 says:

    The designs are all well coordinated, but the green colors are my favorite color of room.

  7. stardancing4 says:

    green – most vivid, I like some of the items in the purple. pink, it is hard to see.

  8. BH1464 says:

    I agree with the other comments. The pink is pretty, but very pale and hard to discern accents. The purple has a nice pop of color, but the green indoor garden really stands out. The green room is the one I would best like to hang out in.

  9. 2002hun says:

    Green indoor garden is my fav but i personally don’t like the checkered green carpet, purple rec room is nice and feels like the neo gothic theme without having any actual pieces of that theme, Pink palace was going to be my fav but the colours blend together a little too much.

  10. pegpony says:

    Green indoor garden!

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