Cohesive Color Designs in Webkinz Next

We played with cohesive color schemes in Webkinz Next. Which one of these designs is your favorite?

Pink Palace

Purple Rec Room With Full Bath

Green Indoor Garden

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



38 Responses to Cohesive Color Designs in Webkinz Next

  1. zdri says:

    Pink Palace first, Green Indoor Garden second.

  2. bright1234 says:

    The green indoor garden

  3. ladybuggd3 says:

    Love the Green room!!

  4. starlightblizz667 says:

    I really like the pink one, reminds me of my baby blanket i have :)

  5. manxkat says:

    I like the contrast and depth of color in the purple, but for a design I prefer the garden. The pink is a little too monochromatic.

  6. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Love the indoor garden! :)

  7. katlynne51 says:

    Green indoor Garden

  8. netg3 says:

    Green indoor room is best

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