Cotton Candy Puppy

364 Responses to Cotton Candy Puppy

  1. sarina says:

    this dog is so cute

  2. Kyleigh says:

    The puppy is so cutie and I said when I saw it I said Your so cuite and your going to be mine

  3. Isa Vel says:

    Cute kitty but Pink is not my fav.

  4. Turq1 says:

    I got the VERY FIRST one of this Puppy!I have past 150 webkinz!On webkinz world visit my page!Oh,and what should I name the puppy?

  5. Katey says:

    My favorite coler is pink. I would her and name her pinky pie.

  6. jaysa says:


  7. lauren123 says:

    OMG soooooooooo cute
    me and my bff want it where do you get it ?

    i looovvvee this puppy. me and my friend r going to buy

  8. Phillip71812 says:

    the cotton candy puppy is so adorable i love the way they had invented the look of it with the ears able to stand up and the colors and the swirls in the fur and its so soft and cute its my favorite one of all my webkinz and i have like 30 of them because i love them so much, the cotton candy dog was the best i dear they ever, i love anything to do with cotton candy any webkinz they make cotton candy i will buy!!

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