Cowabelle Wins!


Hey everyone, Ella here! Earlier this morning I reported that Cowabelle had officially won the Mayor of Kinzville Election! Fresh off this announcement, Cowabelle is here to say a few words.


“Good afternoon, friends! I am so excited to accept the position of Mayor of Kinzville! Thank you so, so much to everyone who supported me and came out to vote this past weekend. I really appreciate your encouragement!


To my fellow candidates: congratulations on a well-run race! It was a honor to campaign alongside you. Special thanks to my mom, Ms. Cowoline, for her support, and to my friends the Kinz!


I’m looking forward to making my campaign promises come true! It will take a little time to start making real change and to free up Webkinz World the way I want to, so please look for the action to begin in early 2015! I can’t wait to start helping everyone spend more time with their families as well as giving them more freedom to create the home of their dreams.


Have a wonderful holiday season! I’ll see you all soon!”


Thanks, Cowabelle!


To read up about the fall campaign that was, click the Webkinz Votes 2014 banner below!


212 Responses to Cowabelle Wins!

  1. sleepybadger says:

    Congrats Cowabelle! And great job to everyone who ran for mayor!

  2. Queeny05 says:

    Great job, Cowabelle! Can’t wait! #JoinTheAdventure

  3. horses5ful says:

    Way to go Cowabelle!! I didnt even know that she would win.

  4. emmie288 says:

    YAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!! I VOTED FOR COWABELLE AND SHE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!

  5. MidnightQueen says:

    (Sarcastic) Yay. Didn’t want you to win Cowabelle, just remember that you have all of Kinzville on your hands, so don’t mess up! I suppose everyone whom didn’t want you to win will just have to put up with you, including me. Still love you Dex! ***MidnightQueen***

    • TennesseeFrogs2 says:

      I agree, don’t mess it up Cowabelle. Sorry about Dex, my candidate (Sheldon) didn’t do much better :/

    • gumball903 says:

      My candidate, Tabby, at least got fairly close, but still didn’t win. I had so much hope. Oh well. Don’t mess this up, Cowabelle. Does anyone know if there will be an election next year?

    • Sailormoonforever says:

      Little harsh don’t you think? All I wanted was Tabby in fact couldn’t we have a vote for VICE MAYOR? Then more people would be happy. And we wouldn’t be saying don’t mess up to the winner

    • beaglehound says:

      Yes, it will be interesting to see how she manages to balance being Mayor with attending Middle School (the other candidates had the option of quitting their jobs to take the Mayor position. Kids don’t have the option to quit school, even in Webkinz World) And of course the inevitable drama that will ensue between her & her mom. And between her & the other Kinz.

      • TennesseeFrogs2 says:

        I agree, I wonder how she’ll manage. I’m not sure there will be drama between her and her mom although didn’t she say she would look to her mom for advice? I hope her mom doesn’t persuade her to do things she doesn’t want to do as mayor.

        • balletbear5M says:

          Probably!:( I really wanted Sheldon to win and am disappointed Cowabelle won!:( P.S Sheldon fans, I am having a princess party this Saturday at 11:00 Am at my webkinz house! Even though Sheldon didn’t win it is to celebrate us sticking with our opinions! Leave your UN below!:)

  6. noelle147 says:

    wow this is great she won! but now that its over i can get those things she promised and im happy its over cuz voting was tearing us apart. oh well thats over. now to the next new thing daisy’s food and renstrant coming out! but before that… THE HOLIDAYS! YAY happy holidays!

    • noelle147 says:

      in fact when will the renstrant open? cuz i want my pet to eat there

      • CountryKinz17 says:

        Me too. I hope she would serve foods with mushrooms in it. I know this might sound odd, but mushrooms are my favorite veggies! xD

        • my9tail says:

          yeah as long as she does not force us to be vegan I’m ok

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Yeah, as long as she doesn’t force our pets to do that, I am fine with her having a restaurant. I wonder what she’ll serve there though…. probably veggies but I’m fine with that. ;)

        • TigerKinzKG says:

          i like mushrooms too

        • soccerpals123 says:

          I Agree Mushrooms are good!

        • playnowpuppy says:

          I love mushrooms too :) always have, always will! and i so agree with u noelle147, especally about how this mayoral thing was tearing us apart! i know some people stopped talking to me on webkinz newz because i voted for cowabelle and they wanted me to vote for their fave host :( i’m just glad this mayoral thing is over and that cowabelle won!

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            I agree! This election has been fun an all with being able to choose a candidate and but signs, but I will not miss any of the arguing! There’s been so much back and forth arguing since the election started! The good thing is that, hopefully, everyone will get back together and celebrate the wonderful Christmas activities and celebrations in Webkinz. Also, I’m so sorry to hear that some people stopped talking to you because of you choosing Cowabelle as your candidate. Hopefully everyone will move past this and we will continue all being Webkinz players. Also, I wish the best of luck to Cowabelle with her mayor position, I wish the best of luck to Tabby with her job, I wish the best to Daisy with her plans for a new restaurant, I wish the best to Ms. Cowoline with her job and Cowabelle’s new position, I wish the best to Dex with his career, and I wish the best to Sheldon with relaxing and his job! ;D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            I meant choose a candidate and BUY signs! Sorry for the typo. ;)

  7. gledenchild says:

    as long as they are not crazy big changes i fine i don’t like when webkinz changes things i like hen they changed the wshop i didn’t like it but no i use to it

  8. strawberrylynx says:

    I’m glad Cowabelle won. I was hoping it could be her or sheldon but Sheldon barely got any votes.

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Great speech Cowabelle! I wish you the best! ;)

  10. princessmurr says:

    Well darn, she wasn’t who I was hoping for. However I am proud of her, she probably shocked a lot of people because she is just a kid. Congrats Cowabelle!

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