Cowabelle Wins!


Hey everyone, Ella here! Earlier this morning I reported that Cowabelle had officially won the Mayor of Kinzville Election! Fresh off this announcement, Cowabelle is here to say a few words.


“Good afternoon, friends! I am so excited to accept the position of Mayor of Kinzville! Thank you so, so much to everyone who supported me and came out to vote this past weekend. I really appreciate your encouragement!


To my fellow candidates: congratulations on a well-run race! It was a honor to campaign alongside you. Special thanks to my mom, Ms. Cowoline, for her support, and to my friends the Kinz!


I’m looking forward to making my campaign promises come true! It will take a little time to start making real change and to free up Webkinz World the way I want to, so please look for the action to begin in early 2015! I can’t wait to start helping everyone spend more time with their families as well as giving them more freedom to create the home of their dreams.


Have a wonderful holiday season! I’ll see you all soon!”


Thanks, Cowabelle!


To read up about the fall campaign that was, click the Webkinz Votes 2014 banner below!


212 Responses to Cowabelle Wins!

  1. bubble246 says:

    yay she won i voted for her all of the days

  2. warriors2002 says:

    #JoinTheAdventure has officially begun! Can’t wait to make a Treetop room, and playing in the Kinzville Park! (My favorite candidate was Dex, but I liked Cowabelle’s platform.) :D

  3. pupcow69 says:

    I find her ideas so unfair! Some of us worked really hard and paid for an underwater pet or a treetop pet and soon everyone will get to have them without buying the proper merchandise

  4. rocketpower says:

    yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i wanted her or mrs.cowaline to win and she won but but i wanted her to win more join thee adventureeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. lonyvic says:

    I didn’t vote for Cowabelle, I voted for Tabby. But I’m still proud of you! #congratsmayorcowabelle

  6. naamster says:

    Wonder what daisy doe is gonna do next. She always has to do something!

  7. rainbowkitty10 says:


  8. mrjacob19 says:

    Congratulations Cowabelle! I am so excited for when anything can be placed in any room! Just some advice though, I notice that many webkinz aren’t happy about a spree roll getting taken away. It would be better if it is just kept at 2 rolls a day. Anyways, congrats Mayor!

  9. bethzing123 says:

    YES VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Skypaw says:

    Darn! Congrats Cowabelle, but I was REALLY hoping Tabby would win! I hope you have a great time as mayor though. 8]

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