Every Webkinz pet deserves a wonderful, comfortable place to sleep, and the Bed of Roses superbed fits the bill! Check out this craft from our archive.
- What you need:
- 1 medium box
- 1 small box
- Tape and glue
- Cotton balls
- Green felt
- Green construction paper
- Plastic leaves
- Small red and pink plastic roses
- Bendable sticks
- Scissors
What you do:
- Place the small box upside down inside the medium box to create a bouncy bed style and seal with tape.
- Cut 4 strips of green construction paper to fit the sides of the medium box and glue them to the box.
- Glue 2 or more cotton balls to the top of the box to create pillows.
- Cut a piece of green felt to fit your box up to the cotton balls to make a blanket for your bed.
- Glue only the bottom edge of the felt to the box so your Webkinz Plush can jump in and out of bed.
- Get two bendable sticks, bend one into a very big arch and bend the other into a smaller arch.
- Glue or tape your plastic leaves around both arches, then add your roses with either glue or tape.
- Glue the big arch onto your box to make a headboard and glue the smaller arch to make the footboard.
Crafty Kimmy
Crafty Kimmy

So Cute! I love It :D how creative.
Maybe you could make letters, packages, and a mailbox for webkinz! That would be so cute!
Great idea!
Wow, looks, uh thorny but comfortable and smelly (in the best way.) Well, I made a point there, heheh! (Pun intended) Looks like a cool Super Bed for my Pom Pom Kitty, but currently all of my Webkinz pets (except the Icy Mist Leopard, Leo, who just accidentally was machine washed) are in a pet net. Well, stop, (lay down) and smell the roses! Hey, I wonder if Webkinz are okay to be machine washed. In the Webkinz ‘Contact Us’ part of the Newzpaper, it says wash them with a damp cloth and a bit of soap or baby shampoo, but Leo was washed with BLANKETS. He’ll survive, I’m sure =D – PrettyPikachu
I love this bed! I will be making this soon! Awesome idea! :)
It’s great to have Crafty Kimmy on the newz again. Super fun craft! I love that it’s one of the superbeds! Who sent this one in originally?
I’m working on this! I jut need to buy leaves and roses. :)
And all thorns removed too! XD Very nice!
Where did you get the leaves? Are they cheap?
You might want to try AC Moore. Or any other store that has fake flowers and leaves.
The Dollar Stores have plastic flowers, I am definitely going to make this bed, it is really sweet!!!
Thanks, my Mom just told me to check the dollar store! I’ll have to ask her soon.
michales might have some too! or joanns fabric