Now your Webkinz can pretend to film their own webisodes in their Studio Loft! Use your pets to act out hilarious scenes and gags for the cameras!
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Hot Rod Desk |
Kooky Cooking Station |
Studio Loft Lounger |
Studio Loft Window |
Hopefully the blinking RECORDING light won’t make the actors too nervous!
Find these items and so much more at both Webkinz and Ganz eStores!
Omg! iCarly! I love that show. This is really similar, with the car and all the pretty colors.
Hey I think I saw the tv at the w-shop. just look in the electronics section in the w-shop and it should b there
Looks like the loft in iCarly. With the car and everything….
Love it though!
oh my gosh i was thinking the exact same thing! they should call it the iCarly theme or something
Agreed. ^.^
Hmm.. May be saving up some monthly points for this! :)
Hi everybody! You know what i think? I think this is unfair! They’re making all these totally awesome things for the estore and they don’t have stuff like this at the wshop! What about people who don’t have estore? Who is with me? xoxo Doodlebuggy
I soooo agree with you Doodlebuggy! It IS unfair! read my comment at the top! *Peace, Love and Hope, Icewolf*
i’m with you but i have won lOl only cuz i wanted to be a deluxe member
i totally AGREE they need to make better stuff for the people that don’t have Deluxe!! :(
I agree! And as I said earlier up top, think about this:
1000 e-store points equals a dollar.
Plush webkinz cost about $12.50
An e-store pet costs 12500 points.
That equals the same cost for plush and e-store when for e-store you don’t even get the stuffed animal! To me, that’s at least half the fun of webkinz. My parent’s won’t even let me have a e-store account, if I even found something worth my own real money. You should be able to buy e-store points with kinzcash, at least, or maybe lower the cost of e-store pets! Who’s with me?
i totally agree with you doodlebuggy, it’s so unfair! every time i see awesome items on my account i look at the w-shop and it’s not there it’s so frustrating!!!!!!!!!
luv webkinz.. I have purchased all of them..
Love the windows! Don’t love the fact that it’s eStore stuff. Bummer
I know right? Once, I ALMOST got an estore account, BUT THEN MY MOM CHANGED HER MIND!!!! Now I get sad when I see estore, because I was almost a member! *Peace, Love and Hope, Icewolf*
i love it ! it’s so cute! mabey i will buy some if i can? eney ways today i tought my sister how to use the trading room she got so happy when she got something she whanted! she didint think it was going to work she has like 20 things in her dock and i have like 1,000 :)
~*~ caitlyn18 ~*~
Lol caitlyn18! I know someone that has 2,000! Right now I only have about 50 items or so. *Peace, Love and Hope, Icewolf*
Hi icewolf i was wondering if you wanted to be friends? my username is lollys7 ~Doodlebuggy
Hahaha, i have 5,000+ items, ican never find anything anymore :P
Ooh, pretty lights! :mrgreen:
This looks so cool! :lol:
Love L-O-V-E Love! This theme! :) :) :) :) :) Have a good Halloween!
i know i love those lights
it looks cool but its not my favourite kind of studio.and its estore!why?ganz can make a theme which is cool,limited,looks like estore and is avabial in w shop!
If you look for friends please w
Can you acually film your webkinz and put it on kinz tv? Or is it just for decoration?
Wolves rule!
Yeah, i agree with you, I love the theme, though! :\
I mean really, websiodes? :3
how do you even get estore points well… I wouldn’t say points I mean those little circle thingys
This theme looks kinda cool actually. Haha typical I’m not an estore member though.
Add me if you love the Beatles/Arctic Monkeys: Elboy1
i just wish the window was bigger