Days of Play begins TOMORROW!

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131 Responses to Days of Play begins TOMORROW!

  1. pradajack1 says:

    Great prizes for all of us that don’t have them already. Can’t wait to participate and I have been going to get another pet anyway, I will go ahead and do it on the 2nd. :)

  2. xColorfullDream says:

    Woah, feed your Pets 20,000 bananas? XD

  3. ImaPepper says:

    These are awesome–I can’ wait to get started! This sounds like a lot, but I know we can do it. We completed the goals in One Webkinz World, so I know we can do it! Booyah!

  4. LivingAloha says:

    I have three pets to adopt!!!!! Yayy!!!

  5. animedreamer says:

    Cool prizes! I was freaking out for a moment cause I thought this was for a every man for himself. Then I realized and remembered it was a Community thing. Had a heart attack for a minute there… I think I’ll be able to participate in all of these except for adopting a pet. Sorry! *~**Starburst Stream**~*

  6. tru214 says:

    How will this work with Asian accounts?

  7. horselover041802 says:

    I like almost all the prizes so I hope we make the challenge every day and I get to log on every day.

  8. kittimama says:

    What fun!!!

  9. Emeraldlover67 says:


  10. Cherrycheesecake says:

    This looks so fun! I’m sure the Webkinz community will be able to get them all. Though the 3000 pets adopted one is the hardest in my opinion. Hopefully everyone is saving up their adoption codes! Mandy, do we get updates on how far along we are? Cause that would be awesome :)

    • Mandy Webkinz says:

      Hi Cherrycheesecake! If possible we will post updates on social media, but depending on the challenge we may have to wait until the end of the day to check the results.

      • Mandy Webkinz says:

        Hi Catchatiger! We will ALWAYS be announcing the final results here the next morning. This Challenge is based in Webkinz and Webkinz Newz so as long as you visit every day you will be able to collect your prizes if the goal is reached!

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