December’s Pet of the Month

353 Responses to December’s Pet of the Month

  1. emma says:

    never been the pet of the mounth.What is it like?

  2. tacoc5 says:

    my brother has a raindeer.

  3. Christmas gurl says:

    I have the reindeer it is adorable! I want other December pets though such as the artic polar bear its really cute

  4. NATALEE says:

    I love the pet of the month because you get prize and other thing too.So if you see the pet of the month at the store you should ask your perents if you could get it if they said no then say that i will do chores if they still said no right when you get home start cleaning the house then maybe your present will let you get one so if they do let you get one. ocne you get back home get on the compurter and go to and go to were you get the webkinz and then go have all the fun you want to have at webkinz world so go have the best time of your life. MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS SO HAVE FUN AT WEBKINZ WORLD!!!!

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