Deep Sea Fishing Close Up

Take a closer look at the fish from Unknown Waters

When you take your family on a fishing trip in Webkinz Next, there is a chance that you will catch gorgeous fish!

There are six categories of fish to collect. Each category has rare, common and uncommon fish species and each of them looks incredible. Since the game doesn’t give users a detailed view of the fish, we thought it would be fun to post some close ups.
Here’s a look at the fish in the Unknown Waters category:

Which of these fish have you already collected? Tell us in the comments.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


25 Responses to Deep Sea Fishing Close Up

  1. redpanda224 says:

    Dude I got the leopard shark yesterday

  2. marcblack21 says:

    These are really nice designs. But still, I will not play this game because I think fishing is cruel.

    • rachelgirl192 says:

      I agree, I think the fish are extremely beautiful and I would not want to harm any of them. Moreover, I don’t think it is educational to have a game that supports cruelty to animals. They could keep the fish, but involve them (or something else) in a different game. Maybe how many shells can you find on the beach or how many fish can you SPOT while you are diving or something like this. I must admit, I have tried the fishing (even though in real life, I would NEVER go fishing, of course, but I wanted to see what the game is like), and trying to catch the fish was quite painful for my finger… no idea how you guys manage to do that all the time without typist’s cramp. So even though I think the prizes are really desirable, I won’t play a game that hurts animals AND my finger.

    • rachelgirl193 says:

      I just got an idea how the game might be changed in order to get round the cruelty factor: The players could be asked to take PHOTOS of the different fish. The game could basically stay the same, but without having to catch the fish, we could collect the photos and if we have photos of so many different fish (which we might hang on the wall or something), we get the respective prize.

  3. sweetiepiesix says:

    I keep catching the same fish types. it is hard to complete the different categories when you get 6 of one and none of another. Oh well, the game is fun.

  4. crystalfawns53 says:

    Thank you for posting another up close version for deep sea fishing! I was able to do a lot of fishing, but the mandarin fish is the only one that I need for the yacht! Every time I fish now, I always have my fingers crossed in hopes that I get one.

  5. Jessmine2 says:

    I got my last fish (Yellowcheek Wrasse) today & have filled all the categories! What a great surprise! I plan to continue to collect until I have enough to get each individual prize, the grand prize & still have one to keep. Love to fish! Thanks for this fun activity.

  6. KarenaJ says:

    My favorite is the Mandarinfish, also love the Leopard Shark and Peacock Flounder. Love these close-up shots.

  7. buski11 says:

    Can’t get a rare fish no matter how hard I try

  8. bubbac4 says:

    I cannot catch a rare fish

  9. beerfeet says:

    This has been fun. I finally got the grouper for the first time and was able to get the octopus chandelier. That is a lovely piece and I placed it in my new Seaside living cabin! I also got the little coral piece and the salt water column. I will spend lots of time at this new home.

  10. 100dogs says:

    I have gotten all of these fish. For those who do not know the mandarin is the rare fish. Thank you for having another deep sea fishing up close.

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