Denim and Lace in Webkinz Next!

There’s a new (mostly) premium theme in Webkinz Next! You’ll find the Denim and Lace theme in the W Shop for Diamonds… with two exceptions! The Tan Armchair and Couch are both available for KinzCash.

Visit my Kinzville House on Webkinz Next to check out the furniture (which includes a hot tub!) — add me as a friend: Fire Shadowglow 1 — or check out the furniture in the Showroom.

How would you decorate with this theme? Submit your rooms to the Share Center!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.

33 Responses to Denim and Lace in Webkinz Next!

  1. young797 says:

    I think these maybe for ganz support….. the babies won’t let go of bottles somtimes when feeding…… when a baby levels to a kid it gets thrown behind the fence into the woods….. a kid asks to play a game and you play it and it does not register you played it. thank you so much again Sally!!!

  2. young797 says:

    my questions and comments never get answered, I hope this one does please. I made a new home and now reside there the original home in now basically a storage for tons of pets. Will visiting friends go to old home or new one when visiting?

  3. bonesbongo says:

    This is off topic, Sally Webkinz hope you can help. I am wondering why the appearance of pets change? On the PET VIEW the appearance of my YORKSHIRE TERRIER and HOLSTEIN COW has changed. Now the pets are a combination of two pets (Yorkshire Terrier/Holstein Cow) with pixels, two pets were affected. I used sparks from two different pets the GOLDEN RETRIEVER and UNICORN to create a baby approximately two weeks ago then the appearance of the other pets changed on the PET VIEW, this has not corrected itself yet. Is there a way to fix this? ~ shelkinz67

  4. young797 says:

    ganz can you please make it possible to sell PSI from boxes like in classic …… I won’t use 50 cat swings, 50 pools, no room for all the beds, even if you play every game all 6 times it’s still not enough money, I’m not buying new home after home to fit pets in, waste of money. Please let us sell some of this stuff. thank you

    • young797 says:

      oh and for more than a dollar, can you also please reduce wait times kids and babies ask to level up. it’s worse than waiting for classic floaty clicky

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