Dorothy Lou’s Holiday Family Photos

Which photo makes the best Holiday Card?

This season, I decided to take some family photos! But my family has grown so much, I took several photos just to include as many pets as possible.
I think at least one of them should make a sweet holiday card. What do you think?

Gingerbread Cottage

Some of my pets prefer to spend their lives at the cottage which has proven to be a delicious choice for them this holiday season. We keep our Gingerbread Theme decorations at the cottage because we really savor the time we spend there as a family.

Holiday Silver Silent Night

I love the Holiday Silver theme so much! When I piled my pets into the room, they suddenly looked so much more sophisticated. I added some fun to the room with a couple pieces from my Candy Cane Collection.

Presents for Everyone

I have a confession to make. I hoard Pet Specific Gifts! The gift-wrapping is so pretty, I wish I could save some of it for room decoration so instead I filled the entire floor under my Candy Cane Christmas Tree with gift boxes.

I love this photo because it shows off our family’s diversity. Here they are, anxiously awaiting their gifts. Should I open them this year?


What do you think? Which photo makes the best Holiday Card?

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27 Responses to Dorothy Lou’s Holiday Family Photos

  1. Meowme19485 says:

    Gingerbread room

  2. monsterhighrules323 says:

    I love all these pictures:)

  3. hiphophipposrule2007 says:

    I like the gingerbread theme for a card! Love the gift idea! So creative!

  4. Rachelgirl says:

    Your rooms are very pretty.

  5. lucylane556 says:

    I think the Gingerbread one should be.

  6. pupcowmom says:

    I think that one of the items in the pet specific gift box should be a toy box that looks just like the gift box but holds one item. I hate to open my gift boxes too.

  7. nicetigress says:

    Gingerbread Cottage is my answer.

  8. _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

    The Gingerbread Room is pretty iconic!!

  9. megamom12 says:

    These are so cute!

  10. obie987 says:

    Gingerbread Cottage

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