Dr. Quack’s Journal: A Remedy Must Be Found!




Oh my! Since my last journal entry, things have gone from bad to worse! The lineup outside my clinic has doubled! I fear this sickness sweeping through Kinzville is quickly becoming an epidemic!


When I became a doctor, I swore an oath to protect the citizens of Kinzville! No matter the cost, I MUST find some way to stop the spread of this sickness in its tracks!


Unfortunately, I am exhausted from trying to keep up with my patients, and I don’t have the facilities here to do the sort of research and experiments needed to develop a new remedy. I need help, but I think I have the answer!


Goober is a scientist with the sort of lab facilities I need to find a solution. I have made up my mind to enlist his help in this endeavor! Together, I feel confident that we will unlock the secret behind this medical mystery and have these poor sick pets back on their paws in no time!   


Stay tuned for more from Dr. Quack’s Journal on January 31st!



279 Responses to Dr. Quack’s Journal: A Remedy Must Be Found!

  1. sparklebluestar says:

    Ya know, I have been seeing Nafaria much more often than usual lately, and she’s always after the same stars. Do you think she might be behind this horrible epidemic? Maybe……………….

  2. bestpersonever says:

    guys it is not daisy’s food my kinz only eat her food so it is not that

  3. bestpersonever says:


  4. bestpersonever says:

    I bet you anything it is from all te junk food(particularly gack blech) ilove webkinz world

  5. iloveJesus222 says:

    I have 70+ pets and im not worried(:

  6. iloveJesus222 says:

    There is just something going around. i mean cmon! Stuff like this happens. There can be an epidemic of just a cold.

  7. girlie2431 says:

    Also, get them some fresh air, go to the park or anywhere outside. The wshop also has vitamins, so just take care of them and if they do get sick, you know what to do, take them straight to Dr. Quack. I hope Dr. Quack can find a cure so much!

  8. girlie2431 says:

    I think I know why, because its winter and you can usually get sick. So chicken soup for all our pets. I hope Dr. Quack and Goober can find a solution! I just don’t want my pets to get sick! If you don’t either, make sure to feed them and make sure their healthy.

  9. Claire097 says:

    Nefira is doing this because my cousin’s webkinz got sick when nafira came on her screen

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