Oh my! Since my last journal entry, things have gone from bad to worse! The lineup outside my clinic has doubled! I fear this sickness sweeping through Kinzville is quickly becoming an epidemic!
When I became a doctor, I swore an oath to protect the citizens of Kinzville! No matter the cost, I MUST find some way to stop the spread of this sickness in its tracks!
Unfortunately, I am exhausted from trying to keep up with my patients, and I don’t have the facilities here to do the sort of research and experiments needed to develop a new remedy. I need help, but I think I have the answer!
Goober is a scientist with the sort of lab facilities I need to find a solution. I have made up my mind to enlist his help in this endeavor! Together, I feel confident that we will unlock the secret behind this medical mystery and have these poor sick pets back on their paws in no time!
Stay tuned for more from Dr. Quack’s Journal on January 31st!
When I saw this add on the side of my Webkinz screen I was like “Ohh! What is it? What is it!!!?” I can’t wait until Feb. 1st!!
I do not think that it is Daisy. But it could be Nafaria.
I do not wish for my webkinz to get sick! I hope that Dr.Quack and Goober find a cure. And good luck Dr.Quack!
We could also help Dr. Quack! i had the idea of we could get extra pay at the Emploment Office if we did the Dr. Quack’s Assestent’s job! mabye that could help…?
This is strange. Make sure when you log out, you put your pet to bed. Give them all fruits and veggies, no sweets or junkfood, lots of handwashing and toothbrushing. Also keep all meters on 100%. Don’t let them have Daisy’s diner. I’ve heard some theories it could be her food. Maybe some of her food was spoiled. Also, stay away from Nafaria. I heard another theory it could be her casting a spell. I have seen Nafaria a lot lately too. Also, don’t give them water. I’ve heard it could be that.
Thanks for the tips lilyhorselover!!! ☺
thx for the advice!
no probs! :-)
I think Daisy Doe has something to do with this. Maybe poisoned food
Where’d you here that!! -Just wondering-:)
hi guys the next blog is probly called Dr. Quack has an idea I ssaw a glix so its going to end soon do not know how soon but i saw a glix thingy
I did too! That is what lead me here
Poor pets! Hopefully Goober and Dr. Quack can find a cure! My pet, Rainbow, must have a super strong immune system, because she’s as healthy as can be. I’m not taking any chances, though, so I put sinks EVERYWHERE so she can wash her hooves. #CureThePets
Yikes!! This happened a couple years ago and my poor cow got a cold!
i hope my pet doesnt get sick when my pets get low health i give them food and vitamens from w-shop