Ella’s Blog

Hey peeps, it’s Ella! Spring has sprung in Webkinz World, but that also means it’s time for a bit of spring cleaning.


I figured I’d get some practice in by helping out Billy the Goat in Lunch Letters — I’m used to typing, so it should be a piece of cake, right? I played on Medium and this is how I did!



After that, I figured the next best place to practice my spring cleaning skills is at the Kinzville Park! There’s always trash to be collected and sorted, so I headed over to do my part.



Of course, all of this was in preparation for the biggest, baddest spring cleaning mess I have ever seen!


You see, Molly had asked me to help her clean her room, and I have to tell you… I was NOT PREPARED! Take a look:



I didn’t even know where to start. There were clothes on the floor, toys everywhere… even dirty dishes! YUCK! But I promised Molly that I would help her tidy up, and so I did. Toys and books got put in the cupboards, along with toys. Dishes were returned to the kitchen (and washed!). I also moved around a couple of rugs to make it look a little less cluttered.



What do you guys think? Molly hasn’t seen her made-over room yet, but I hope she likes it. What would you have done?


Well, guys, PJ said something about clearing out her closets, so I’m going to head over to her place for a clothing swap. I hope you have a great day and get some good spring cleaning in!


Until next time.. it’s been real!



36 Responses to Ella’s Blog

  1. webkinz04 says:

    Aww Ella! You were so sweet to help your friend out!

  2. pinkiecupcake says:

    Nice job with the spring cleaning, Ella!

  3. megamom12 says:

    Ella, you are such a good friend! You not only cleared away the dirty dishes but you washed them too! I do like the new positioning of the rugs. Well done. Oh, and I like Lunch Letters too!

  4. Randomgirlforever says:

    Wow you cleaned that room really well! I wonder how long it took to clean… :/ Well, however long it took it must have been worth it. ~Kittymade10

  5. Beckinz8 says:

    Ella, you are like the energizer bunny of cleaning! What a fabulous, faithful friend you are! I’ve done stuff like that in real life and it’s very rewarding. I would have waited and worked with Molly, though. I hope she can find where you put all of her special things. And WOW! All that blogging really pays off! You type way faster than I do in Lunch Letters! Maybe someday I’ll get there. And great for you! Pitching in at the Kinzville Park! I love cleaning up at the Park too! Ella, you are an inspiration to us all!

  6. ladysparklez99 says:

    ummm.. what do u mean?

  7. ladysparklez99 says:

    gosh! molly’s looks as messy as mine!

  8. animalsmatter1 says:

    I love taking my pets to Kinzville Park, too–so much fun. Amazing room transformation! Great job, Ella. I wish spring cleaning in real life was as fun and easy at it is WW!

  9. TriciaTheMewniQueen says:

    Wow, that’s quite shocking for Molly! Although she’s a fashion expert, I didn’t expect her bedroom to be a mess! I hope she sees her cleaned-up room soon!

  10. 1Emerald1 says:

    LOVE the messy room! Great job helping out Molly, Ella!

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