European Villa Property in Webkinz Next!

Have you seen the European Villa property in Webkinz Next? This beauitful premium property comes with a special background, exterior and decorations!

You can find the European Villa property in the W Shop — and it’s currently on sale from June 25, 2021 until July 9, 2021!

How would you decorate this beautiful villa? I’ve started making a cafe!

Want to check it out? Friend and visit me on Webkinz Next at Fire Shadowglow 1 and take a walk around!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.

18 Responses to European Villa Property in Webkinz Next!

  1. beerfeet says:

    Well it was love at first sight and I splurged and bought this. I thought I could apply the exterior to my existing house so I was sad about that. Also, I wish I could see my original house (like in a regular street view) next door so I could walk over and borrow a chair or two!! I am so happy I could remove the wallpaper and flooring and I was able to apply the fabulous olive grove backyard to my original house. Sally Webkinz, would you be able to make a neighborhood street view for us? Overall I just love this new exterior and I just have to figure out how to use it, maybe as a holiday house since we have a lot of Christmas stuff from last year. Thank you to the awesome design team.

  2. gospottgo says:

    Oooooh! I hope you make a version for Webkinz Classic!

  3. TroyInches says:

    What a beautiful looking house! I can’t wait to get it, though I have 105 diamonds, yet it just tells me to buy more diamonds claiming I’m to poor for the house, is it not on sale yet? if so when is it supposed to be discounted?

  4. readersrock2015 says:

    If you are following other games and using diamonds to purchase this property, then follow their lead and offer more in game opportunities for diamonds. You can do wheels, extra log in prizes, floats and diamond only wheels!

  5. Msamommy says:

    It’s SO pretty but I wish it wasn’t for diamonds.

  6. kkat says:

    Beautiful! A cafe or pizzeria is a great idea!

  7. Dash75550 says:

    Thanks for sharing that with us, Sally. The European Villa is a beautiful exterior! Have fun decorating your rooms!

  8. megamom12 says:

    Oh, this is so pretty! I will surely have to check on this!

  9. Featherheart says:

    OOOH this looks SO GOOD!

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