Celebrate St Patrick’s Day with EXCLUSIVE
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Go GREEN this St Patrick’s Day with super cool Exclusive Online Items created especially for St Patrick’s Day. With the brand new Green Puffer Vest, the interactive Lucky Shamrock Trampoline and Green Root Beer Lamp there’s something for every pet!
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Green Puffer Vest | Lucky Shamrock Trampoline | Green Root Beer Lamp |
Other items pictured in the room above include the upcoming Pine Marten Online Pet and it’s Special Item, Leprechaun Cloverfield, Patty the March MAZIN’ Hamster, Mint Chocolate Cow as well as a bunch of very cool items from the W-Shop! Also, why not make your own parade with the St. Pat’s Setter Float, Love Puppy Float, Santa Kinz Parade Float and the Zum Parade Float! For an even bigger parade, watch for more floats to arrive at Ganz eStore!
You can find these items and many more all at Ganz eStore!
Items for St Patrick’s Day will be available until March 17, 2011.
I HOPE YOU STOP E-STORE!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!![E-STORE]
i agree, pen.
Oh please.
Why does everything have to be e-store? Why can’t these things be w-shop, or even curio shop?? Could you pretty please make them be in one of those two stores-NOT the e-store? Because there’s this person I know, and all they do is argue about the e-store about how people should love it to bits and she is a bully and so as someone from my soccer team will learn very soon-and she already actually HAS learned-that I am a supersweet twelve year old girl when others are nice to me. But if they bully me, my supersweet stuff is gone, just like-SNAP!-that. And it is so not like I would do anything to GANZ-don’t get me wrong, I LOVE webkinz things- but please, let us get them for kinzcash. And the candykinz?-make them into the plushes please.
Thank You.
I like the clover trampoline thing-a-ma-bob. But guys, I don’t think complaining will get these items in the Wshop.
i agree mustar, but i do hate estore.
It’s mudstar not mustar bub.
hey everyone if you dont stop about this lame thing about estore then they might take it down then no more snow fort or mamoral items or halloween and people who like it, well you will be friendless
Never. If they stop putting so much time and effort into the eStore they’ll put it into what we already paid for. (aka our accounts!!!)
They already do put plenty of time in to our accounts. They just gave away a free rabbit, and put out the Super Hero room. People are just mad cause they can’t buy everything they want. And if they can’t have it, no one should have it. I say down to that attitude!
I just made 2 new friends today,
I dont have a deluxe mambership :( but this looks exciting and i cant wait to see houses like it
Of course, THE ESTORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
I agree, everything good and cool is estore. :(
Dear supporters,
Thank you for everything! I found the last step in getting the e store gone and we only have one shot at it so heres what i am going to do. listen closely
Post a long nice but firm letter stateing your problem (the e store) with your name and then i will pick the person with the best letter on this same thing so always look under “exclusive st pat’s day…..” I will give u ****until March 10th**** so hurry up
I will post the winner on the 11th
thanks for the help
Dear pretty pandas,
I don’t like the eStore. I love all of it’s items, but I can’t get any because of the silly points, and I don’t know where a f.y.e store is. I hope Webkinz will make it so these items go to the Curio Shop or some shop. Why oh why does Webkinz put all the great things in the eStore? Especially the green vest and other items.
Dear Ganz, don’t change a thing about the Estore!! There are a lot of us who enjoy it. Who don’t need plush animals that take up space in our homes. That enjoy collecting the special items to make our houses nicer, and don’t mind paying to do so! Because it is our hobby, it is what we enjoy! Many of us are adult collectors, that do have the funds for the estore, and do not find it in the least a waste! We also realize as mature people that not everyone can shop at the estore. Which is why we think it’s great that you put out the cards for kids to buy! As well as all the new things you add to regular accounts (the last being the Hero theme in the Wshop). We appreciate and enjoy the game so much! Don’t change a thing!! Thanks! Pixie!
Give me a break Pixie! Who can justify wasting money on nonexistent items? As a adult collector, you should know better than to waste your time and money at the estore. It’s a joke…this is your hobby decorating fake rooms with fake items. Put that money to good use… donate it to charity or help someone who isn’t as fortunate as you. The younger players surely are more mature than you….There is no need for the estore!
You give me a break abc. Why do you even play webkinz if you find it all so fake and a waste of time? It makes it all worth it because you get to play with a stuffed animal? Yet put down people who enjoy the game part of it? So don’t go to the movies, or watch TV. Or pay for the internet! Guess what? They are all paying for pixels!!
Dear scottiedog,
Congrats, you have won the “Writing a Letter to Ganz eStore” contest!
The letter I am replying on has been selected. You may only use this letter to send to Ganz unless told otherwise
Sorry I hate to tell you this, but…… the estore isn’t going anywhere :( They should at least lower the price 60- 75% of their prices now.
Dear supporters,
So far so good with the contest. These are the things i forgot to mention in yesterdays message so here they are..
A) For e store haters only
B) must be long
C) must be nice but also firm
thanks for everything and remember keep them comming!
love ya sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!
How about a contest in seeing how many kids here and just learn to respect the choices of others, and to just enjoy what they do have. Oh that’s asking too much of those here, sorry. Continue on with said ridiculous contest. The Estore won’t be going anywhere!
Dear pixie,
if your just going to bring us down you can stop because we still have pride!!!
pixie–We have pride and we are not giving up. That’s called DETERMINATION!!
We will get what we want weather you like it or not!!
What you guys are doing is just ruining WKN. The estore won’t be going anywhere. Think I’ll go get me that new St. Patty’s pet that came out yesterday! Yeah Estore!
Dear scottiedog,
Yours is great and so far you are in the lead because your the first person! you need to make it like you are talking to the people and not me! but so far so good.
I totally agree, Lovehorses21! ALL the good stuff is ESTORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOHOO! Grrrrr! I hate Estore!
DOWN WITH THE ESTORE!!!! If I haven’t posted those words once I’ve posted them a million times! DOWN! WITH! THE! ESTORE!
Down with the Estore just because you can’t have it? Please! They just gave away a FREE rabbit to everyone yesterday! Stop being sooooo greedy people!
yeah, i agree.
Greedy? Anti-eStore people protest the eStore for several good reasons:
1. All of our little siblings who think that because they bought a webkinz they should be able to enjoy the site are upset.
2. The eStore is a ridiculous way to lure kids who don’t know how to save their money and spend it wisely.
3. Ganz sends FAR too much time on the eStore and not enough on our accounts-our accounts that we’ve been been forking over lots of money for years.
4. If Ganz cuts the eStore like 99% of us want think of the amazing things that’ll get added to the W Shop, Curio Shop, & Kinz Style Outlit. Once again there will be real respect for people who work hard on the site to collect everything, not just respect for a lot of rich kids who don’t have anything better to do with their money.
Guten tag- A lot of people enjoy the Estore, and no you don’t have to be rich to do so. These siblings would be far better off learning now that there will be things in life that they can’t have (and apparently you guys could use to learn that too). What are you going to do when someone has a better car then you? They should get rid of it because you can’t have it also! So unfair!! *rolls eyes* Webkinz already does a lot for regular accounts, and you should be happy that you get to play this game so cheaply (only the cost of a pet a year!). Some games require costly memberships just to play (70-80 a year!). Don’t worry about what others have and enjoy what you have! Webkinz would probably be a lot more fun for you if you do!
not to everyone in my house
Could you say something other than down with the estore? Like, something that has a little more brain?
Yeah, well, now that everyone gets the picture that I want the eStore completely scrapped I’m telling them why.
Jennifer, you make several good points. However you completely ignored my last, (and by far best), argument. I repeat:
4. If Ganz cuts the eStore like 99% of us want think of the amazing things that’ll get added to the W Shop, Curio Shop, & Kinz Style Outlit. Once again there will be real respect for people who work hard on the site to collect everything, not just respect for a lot of rich kids who don’t have anything better to do with their money.
Yes, perhaps you don’t have to be rich, but it completely destroys the old respect for real collectors that would wake up any hour of the night, stop whatever they were doing during the day, use multiple accounts, anything, to collect rares. people who would save up their kinz cash into the 100,000′s so that the would always be ready for the next rare at the Curio Shop. Now that the eStore is here people are instantly wowed by the amazing collections people have that really aren’t that remarkable or hard worked for. Sure, they spend a lot of real money on the room, but that doesn’t show the same kind of devotion. i used to to have 100,000+ kinz cash. i used to wake up early to get rares. i used to call my friends to get a rare if I simply couldn’t do it. i was one of those collectors. I would experiment for what seemed like hours and my stove, my blender, and in the clothing machine. Now? The eStore people get all of the attention. Why? because they’re willing to spend more real money that I am. I just want the old webkinz world, the way it used to be, back for good
Wow Guten tag we are a lot alike! we both feel the same way and we both have a mouth full to say about it!
I know. everything is at the ganz estore.
I’m glad to see other people who are trying to generate a lot of intelligent and thought-provoking comments about how we dislike the eStore and want it to go. Ganz needs to get the message! If we don’t do something, who will?
All anti-eStore people, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! Don’t give up!
Dear supporters,
Please oh please do not give up hope! If we just focus on possibly the last step in getting the e store gone we can get there faster. If my plan doesn’t work out like i have planned it to I have a plan B. BTW: i was looking online yesterday and some one made a website for lovers of the e store. I would tell you but apperently it’s a private site. What they put for there breaking newz alert was theis”The faithful members have found a way to vanish the e store!!!!!!”
So what do you think is going to happen next?
HAHA That was the funniest thing I’ve read on there! Thanks for the laugh!
pixie- you know what you won’t think this is funny when we defeat you and your little fantasy e store junk. and who’s gonna be laughing then? Huh? what’s that? oh yeah ME! HAHAHA
and just to please myself HAHAHAHAHAHA
you know what i love the fact that you are trying to defeat us but you never will!!!!!!!!
I agree with lovehorses21 it has to be E STOR!!!!!!!!!!
I want the lamp and the vest!! Too bad it’s estore!!! I know this has nothing to do with that stuff, but do you want to join a book club? (p.s. FIRST COMMENT!!!) I think
yay first comment, I wish they were not at the E-store though
Why can’t these items be in the w shop or the curio shop?????
THESE ITEMS WOULD HAVE BEEN AN AWESOME GIFT BOX FOR ST PATRICK’S DAY. (the estore should sell them but you should still have the option to buy from wshop for kinz cash just marked up< everything estore should be available wshop) (ESTORE IS OVER PRICED! YOU DON'T EVEN GET AN ACTUAL ITEM!) THE ESTORE'S A TRILLION DOLLAR IDEA RIGHT THERE. (or maybe more)
i agree with u totally, no estore for me!
I have a S.T. Pat’s Setter to and I WANT THAT S.T. PAT’S SETTER CAR BUGGY THING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just because we want it doesn’t mean we are going to buy it. I mean an estore pet costs 12.50$ A real stuffed one you can put online costs the same depending what store you go to. They shouldn’t cost that much. Also a fake virtual car for $9 or even $7??????? Come oooooooonnnnnnnnnn. How about $2 for a car or $4 for a pet?????? Sounds a little more fair. More of us may buy into this idea. I can get 2 pets and a car for $10 :) That I would do!!!!! I have so many nieces nephews and kids that love the pets. Hey what’s $4 to throw away for a great big smile. It is just way overpriced, I am sorry :( It would be nice though for the option to buy in wshop or curio shop too.