Fan Build: A Tea Party Room!


Congratulations to the KinzLuvers Club who were up to Michael’s challenge and posted their own room design video on YouTube! They do a great job explaining their design choices and take us through each step of the way:



Create your own room design videos and upload them to YouTube… you never know, we may post your video right here on Webkinz Newz! Just make sure you use “Webkinz Room Design” in your title so they are easy to find.


Awesome work KinzLuvers Club!

124 Responses to Fan Build: A Tea Party Room!

  1. corinne29 says:

    I thought your room was awesome KinzLuvers. :)

  2. snowclawss says:

    i did it! i made the room

  3. lovepuppy54 says:

    cool video i already have 13 rooms, and i dont want to add any more.

  4. puppywebkinzppaw says:

    Great Job Kinzluvers Club!!! I suggest screen cast o matic, it is a screen recording program, since the camera was a bit shaky… Congrats!!!

  5. cockerspaniel23 says:

    I made a dressing room for my dog Ariel. IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Btw I luv that vidio!Its just a lot shaky.

  6. JookieJess says:

    Hi Webkinz! Since I am not allowed to have a YouTube account, and am not allowed to purchase the application that allows you to film your screen, I sent pictures of two of my original room designs, along with lists of the items that went into them and how to get them, to, as I was instructed to by one of the Webkinz people when I commented on the last Fan Build episode. However, it has been almost a month since I sent the email, and have gotten no reply. I know that the people at Webkinz are VERY busy, and don’t always have time to respond. I was just wondering if the email was received, and if not, I’ll be happy to send it again. Thanks SO much! I love Webkinz World! ~JIUG2013

    • Gennelle Webkinz says:

      Thanks for sending in your work, JIUG2013! Just a reminder that we receive a large volume of emails so we’re unable to respond to each one. Keep watching for your work to be featured one day, as we try our best to feature as many pieces as possible.

  7. whistlewishes1 says:

    Here’s a tip next time to get better footage use

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