Check Out These Awesome Room Designs!


Hey guys! I’m excited to show you some more room designs! Thank you to everyone who sent me a screenshot of their room. Unfortunately I can’t show them all, but here are a few of my favorites:


Pinkiecupcake’s Art studio is epic! There are lots of items in this room but they are all really well organized:



ajberry4 built this Christmas Cheer room on Webkinz Mobile. Each section is separated nicely. Love that cozy corner next to the Candy Can Lane Fireplace (Candy Cane Collection Grand Prize, December 2014):



This Popstar Dressing Room, sent in by JIUG2013, is really creative! Lots of different items were used to build it including W-Shop items, an Exclusive item, Webkinz Prize Pool items, Spring Fling Challenge 2014 prizes… and more. Great job!



myruthb sent in a Webkinz Cafe that she built using mostly items from the WShop. I like how she mixed items from the Cafe theme and General Store theme. They really work well together:



Congratulations to everyone featured in this post! Want to send us screenshots of some of your favorite rooms? E-mail them to me at knows, you might see them in a post right here on Webkinz Newz!


Which of these rooms is your favorite? Please leave your comments below…


72 Responses to Check Out These Awesome Room Designs!

  1. SueTay says:

    I need some help on taking screen pictures. It has been hard to find answers to my question and have asked several places including the forum. Fiora also does not answer my question. How does one go about taking a picture and sending it to Webkinz? I sure would appreciate some HELP here. SKRUFFY

  2. hotgrits says:

    I love the café! its my favorite.

  3. panda6884 says:

    i know deluxe blocks every thing.i wanted to get my pandas theme magic but you know.

  4. Lovemychipmunk says:

    I love them I wish I cod have them.

  5. kaitsmow says:

    I LOVE the forth one!! I love any thing that is a café!! it is so cool!! The third on I like to but the forth one is the one I like best!!

  6. barb539 says:

    Wow, all so nice! Good work people.

  7. Droom13 says:

    These rooms are so awesome! Very creative.

  8. rachelsooah says:

    I love the Christmas one! my friend ruby made it, and i think its the best out of all of them. Great job Bff!

  9. ajberry4 says:

    Yay so happy my room was featured! I sent it in around January? Or something like that. lol Thanks for sharing my art! My friend lala told me about it before I even knew it was here!

  10. JMom1616 says:

    I love the dressing room! I’ve been trying to find a home for my beauty class vanity for years. I think this might be the perfect home! Thanks for the inspiration!

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