Fan Mail with Fiona #37

It’s me, Fiona, back for another round of fan mail! As always, for my past answers, click here!





Will we ever be able to upgrade our small rooms to large rooms?? We can pay the difference or just pay a full 1,000 per room. I can barely fit anything in the small rooms I chose way back when… – kiwikat



My goodness, that’s an interesting idea! Though, once you can delete and move rooms, upgrading might no longer be necessary… you could just delete your small room and put in a large one… but I’ll be sure to pass the suggestion on!




Hi, Fiona! I was wondering if Mazin’ Hamsters will ever come back. I was really disappointed when it went away. Mazin’ Hamsters was my favorite part of Webkinz. Ganz did a great job designing the mazes and places we could explore. I also loved the daily activities and all the fun, exciting things we could buy with Moolah. If Mazin’ Hamsters does come back, I would be super excited! Maybe, Ganz could make it where the hamster pets still unlock it, but you can also unlock it if you were Deluxe. I think that would make a lot of Deluxe members thrilled and would make more people want to be Deluxe. Thanks Fiona! – Peanut18


It was so much fun to race those little hamsters! Unfortunately, the engine that ran MAZIN’ Hamsters didn’t really work well with Webkinz X — the newer version didn’t work at all! So it’s not likely that it will be coming back any time soon, but you could hop over to Amazing World and ask them to add some of the mazes there!





Hi, Fiona, another question, will the clothing design editor ever return? I don’t know if everyone remembers, but there used to be an option in the KinzStyle Outlet, where you could open an editor in Webkinz. From there, you could make adorable Tee-Shirts! I never got to order one, but even just making them and erasing was fun. So, will it be back…? -LuvILuvILuv P.S. If you decide to bring it back…Maybe it can be it’s own thing, not in KinzStyle Outlet? – LUV


Hi, LUV! (Love your username, btw.) The T-Shirt Designer was fun, wasn’t it? There aren’t any immediate plans to bring it back — with or without the T-Shirt ordering — but I’ll be sure to whisper in a few ears.




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Send your letters to:
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Cheektowaga, NY



Have more questions? Ask them below and you might be featured in the next edition of Fan Mail with Fiona!


76 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona #37

  1. Peanut18 says:

    Wow, Fiona picked my question! Thanks for answering my question Fiona! I think I will go over to Amazing World and ask them to add mazes. Thanks for the idea!

    • Milkyrose4362 says:

      Hey Peanut18, since we can link our Amazing world and Webkinz accounts together, what if Amazing world did also include the Webkinz items that came along with Mazin’ hamsters? Like if they actually open up Mazin’ hamsters on Amazing world’s sever then that way we would still be able to get the prizes for our Webkinz account again!

  2. theleeswan says:

    Hwhat?!? We can move and delete rooms?!?! I wonder if we can do it in the app. Because if we can… ULTIMATE HOME REMODEL TIME!!

  3. RockRfox says:

    Hi Fiona! I had an idea and I was wondering if you could pass it on to the people at GANZ. I like learning secret recipes, but I can never remember them after I do them like once, so I think it would be awesome if there could be some kind of feature that collects and saves the recipes you’ve made so you can look it up later. The cookbooks we have are great, but they only have so many recipies in them, and I wish I could have all the recipes I’ve learned or discovered available to look up whenever I want right when I’m cooking. I think then I would use the cooking feature more. As things are now, I don’t use it very much because I can’t remember how to make much and I keep getting that gray gunk. Do you think this idea could ever become reality?

  4. LKAGI2 says:

    I’m just wondering, why do we have offered for daily activities soccer challenge, sometimes even few times a day, if this game is not working?

  5. beerfeet says:

    Whaaat? Did she say when we can delete rooms…when will that be!! I think it would be great if cars & trains stayed on the road & track tiles instead of going off onto the sidewalk or grass!

    • cihojuda says:

      I wish trains stayed on the tracks too! They should have been like that as soon as the track tiles came out.

    • Ikawolf says:

      We’ve been begging for the ability to delete rooms since the beginning of Webkinz! It never happened, so now I’ve just got a bunch of empty rooms labeled ‘X’ so that when they finally add room deletion (it’ll probably be another 10,000,000 years) I know which rooms to demolish.

  6. FoxesRule612 says:

    Hey Sally, I’m trying to log into the Ganz Estore but there’s some kind of internet security error. It’s been doing this for a few days now. I hope something is done about this!

    • Ikawolf says:

      One thing you can do is try clearing your browser cache and download history by clicking on ‘settings’ and then ‘history’ and finally the ‘clear history’ button. I had the same issue with different websites, sometimes clearing the system can make it go away. If your network in unsecure, that can cause an error, too, such as if you’re connected to wifi that isn’t password protected. I just went to the Estore on my computer to check and I didn’t get an error, so it’s probably just your computer. I wish you the best of luck! :)

  7. tkdmomof6 says:

    Hi Fiona! Nearly every day in the Daily Activities, there is a food offered for a discount. I would love to buy that discounted food, but when I click on it and go to the WShop, there is no discount. :( Could you please whisper to someone about checking this out. Thanks.

  8. Gramkins says:

    Thanks for the tip, peanutluver3!

  9. hillbillies2015 says:

    The hamsters need to come back!! Please figure out a way to do this!!

  10. madeline7670 says:

    Can you please fix the Hippo on a half shell painting please?! I’m working on a really cool room and need them sooooo bad but they won’t show up!

    • Ikawolf says:

      Same here. I have a bunch of older items that only appear as little boxes. Ganz said they’ll be restoring items in small batches, so this could take another year or two. No telling when the painting will show up, though!

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