It’s me, Fiona, back for another round of fan mail! As always, for my past answers, click here! If you miss me, you can always head to KinzPost and send a letter or a package, and I’ll deliver it for you! Don’t forget, you can add me as a friend by going to KinzChat and adding Fiona Feathers (include the space!).
I have an account with very few friends. I want to add to it but it keeps saying you can’t add friends now try again later What’s up? – ebbe9443
By any chance, do you have a free account, ebbe9443? There’s a limit to the number of friends you can have on one of those. If you have a full or Deluxe membership, please contact for assistance.
Dear Fiona I was planting some seed in the outdoor Room but I put a Stan glass window wallpaper that I did not want can I take it off Thanks honeyleaf!!!
Sorry to hear that, honeyleaf! Your best bet is to get in touch with and they can put the wallpaper back in your dock.
Hey Fiona, Will Pj Collie ever add the option to use furniture to make clothes for events? – puglet05
That’s a great idea, puglet05! While I don’t think PJ will start accepting furniture into her Clothing Machine, it’s possible that a special “combiner” for furniture might be made in the future.
Want to write to Webkinz?
Send your letters to:
Ganz #04360 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY
Have more questions? Ask them below and you might be featured in the next edition of Fan Mail with Fiona!
Hey, Fiona! I have a question and an idea. When I logged out of Webkinz the last few times, I noticed the Wacky Logout Carnival didn’t appear. Is this gone for good? And then as an idea, I think it would be really helpful if the date appeared on each Fanmail with Fiona entry. That way, it would be easier to see how recent questions were answered! Thanks Fiona! You’re the best, and I always love reading your column!
Dear Fiona, I bought the Webkinz Rally arcade unit from the kinzville mall but it won’t let me play the game! This was really disappointing to find out because it cost so many credits and took me multiple trips to the mall to get enough to afford it. I thought being able to play was the point of the arcade units? Will this be fixed in the next update? Thanks, kittiesmeow
Hi kittiesmeow – I’m sorry for your disappointment about the Rally Arcade Unit. It takes several weeks to accumulate the Spree cash for the mall. I remember when it first came out and I bought it for my arcade room. It’s not broken – it was made to just show a racing simulation and likely won’t be changed. :-(
I’ve always found those arcade units only let you play once a day, and not extra times from your daily play.
Does anyone know if the raincoat on KIWI is available anywhere. Looks adorable her!
why does my ‘invite a friend’ button not work even though my friend is online?
Hi Fiona. Do you know when the awesome Fan Designed Jumbleberry Fields prize, the Hayloft, will be released? It’s going on 9 months since they announced the winner last July. All of my preserve jars are filled, ready and waiting for months. Is Ganz ever actually going to create this item?
I’m so glad you remembered! I had completely forgotten about that – maybe we’ll see the hayloft during Berry Fest – is that in May or June? – Please?
FIONA, I thought a problem with the employment office had been fixed. But this morning the employment office popped in and said I needed to “go to work.” I matched shoes. On my dailey’s, I was just told to go to work again. But it’s over an hour until I can do another job. This is not right!!! FIONA, Please have someone fix this!
Hi, Fiona. Can you tell us if Webkinz plush are being made anymore? It feels weird to not have any new ones for the first quarter of the year and there’s been no news on it. I figured if they were cancelled we would’ve been told, but there’s been nothing. Can you please tell us if there is something going on preventing them to be made at the moment or if they really are discontinued?
Hey Fiona! Do you know if Sophie will introduce a “Sophie’s Rewards” in the W-Shop? It doesn’t have to reward the same items as in the eStore. For example, after buying 10,000 KC worth of goods members could be awarded an exclusive or rare item.
That sounds like a super idea to me, that would really be fun! Thank you to all the creative staff at Ganz, each year it becomes more awesome to play WEBKINZ!