Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! |
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You may have noticed that something is different. You may have logged onto Webkinz Newz today and thought you were at the wrong website. SURPRISE! Webkinz Newz has gone through a total makeover! There are many new features in the new Webkinz Newz, including a full “Kinzapedia”, with all the facts you could ever want to know about Webkinz World! There is way more to come for this new site, so stay tuned and keep coming back every day to check out what surprises we’ll be bringing in the near future!
This week’s question is…
What do you think of the NEW Webkinz Newz?
Do you like the new look of the site? Have you seen the daily video? What do you think of Kinzapedia? Whatever you think about the new site, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I think its great!
I like the new Webkinz Newz, i think its fun, helpful and accurate. BUT i would like the comment fourm how it once was cuz now its not nearly half as fun.
I like the new webkinz newz website because it is easier to naviagte around.
Yeah, the new Webkinz Newz is pawsome! I like the new videos a lot. I also really like how if anything is new, I can just click n it without scrolling or searching! Thanks!
I love the new Webkinz Newz site.
I think the new webkinz newz is great! I mean little kids can go on this without problems! I was thinkinz we should do more contests too! P.S. Make the skill thing with the numbers be easier because a kid can’t solve it.
I love what you have done with the new layout for Webkinz Newz. I can find out all that’s going on in Webkinz world on the first page, from the daily activities to sneak peeks and contests. I enjoy the introduction of the WW Pets questions and answers and News Blog. Thanks for making Webkinz more fun and Thanks for bringing the FeedBack page!
I think it’s a lot better than the other one. I love the news videos! I do think it could use more updates though. I would just like to add, I LOVE the Small Signature Pug! (I’m only asking for Webkinz for Christmas!)
It’s pretty nice, but I liked the older version of the webkinz news. I spent more time on the old site, though I still come on here to see what is happening new in Webkinz World.
I think the new WebkinzNewz is soo awesome! I love it! :D