Final winner of the eStore Makeover Madness Room Redesign Contest!

Elwin Elephant here, to announce the final winner of the eStore Makeover Madness Room Redesign Contest!

Check out Meghan’s old room:

Meghan is the lucky recipient of an entire room of fantastic outdoor furniture, with a layout designed by none other than yours truly along with my super-talented sister Hailey.

Meghan’s Makeover Package contains the following items:

  • W-Shop items: Wisteria Tree, Fir Tree, Garden Spruce Tree, seven Allium Flowers, three Geranium Bushes, nine Flagstone Path Tiles, Poolside Umbrella, two Striped Beach Loungers, Strawberry Pot Table and two Iris Gardens
  • eStore items: Log Jammer Ride, Tranquil Tree Swing, Magical Magenta Tree, Modern Windmill, Wild Blueberry Bush, Animal Rescue Jeep, Designer In-ground Pool, Mega Barbeque and a Cozy Cocoon

Are you loving the makeover that Meghan’s room received? Use these items to get the same amazing result! It’s never been easier to give your pet’s outdoor room a totally new look!


127 Responses to Final winner of the eStore Makeover Madness Room Redesign Contest!

  1. Helen says:

    Is this really the final winner?!

  2. jmcs1966 says:

    Congrats on winning!! I would like to visit this room. Congrats again.

  3. kiki says:

    OMG i love the waterfall! congrats Meghan!

  4. miracle says:

    thats very pretty most people would want to have something in the yard and think about not a lot of people can bye all that cause we cant keep all of our money!

  5. cababe6 says:

    Congratulations you lucky ducky!! I wish I had such a beautiful room like yours!! I never win a contest!!I am so angry write now!


  6. elaina122 says:

    Congrats Meghan!!!!!!!!

  7. opghty says:


  8. genny25 says:

    oh and its so much fun i love it i went in 2009 it rocks

  9. amanda101 says:

    cool room i am going to steal it from you jk! lol

  10. emma2201 says:

    i think it looks cluttered and messy if you ask me and i liked the original room megen created alot better

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