Fleecy Sheep Winners

Congratulations to llamalips, ControlCoreAngel, maxiplayswebkinz, MasterTrifid, and articutio7! They’ve each been sent an Adoption Code for a virtual Fleecy Sheep, May’s Pet of the Month!



Adopt the Fleecy Sheep any time in May to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a special prize you pick yourself!

Have you heard of our virtual Pet of the Month Club? Get 12 Adoption Codes (1 each month) delivered right to your email!

19 Responses to Fleecy Sheep Winners

  1. Austenshire says:

    Congratulations winners

  2. dwtsfan says:

    happy for all the winners.

  3. Cloudsheeeep says:

    Congratulations you five! Enjoy your new pets!

  4. ImaPepper says:

    Congratulations, winners! :-)

  5. animalsmatter1 says:

    Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy your adorable sheep.

  6. Springshimmer says:

    Aw, I was kinda hoping to win. Oh well. Congratulations winners, enjoy!

  7. rainelda says:

    Is the contest for draw your pet buddy still going? and the spring room contest? I’ve been SO busy this last month, I didn’t get a chance to enter it (yet?) :(

  8. ControlCoreAngel says:

    Thanks so much Webkinz team! I was stunned when my code came in my email!

  9. GramaII says:

    Congratulations to all the winners, what an adorable little pet.

  10. julieperkins says:

    aweeeeeeeeeeeeeee so so cute

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