Free Gift for Cheeky Cherry Hippo owners!


If you own an adorable Cheeky Cherry Hippo, this weekend you’re going to feel even cheekier! Because on Saturday, February 11 and Sunday, February 12, Cheeky Cherry Hippo owners can collect a sweet gift, a Cheeky Cherry ?? Box!


Log into Webkinz Classic on Saturday and Sunday and visit Today’s Activities, which can be accessed through the Things To Do menu. Click to receive your Cheeky Cherry ?? Box, then drag it into your pet’s room to have a random Cheeky Cherry item added to your Dock.



If you’d like to add the sweet Cheeky Cherry Hippo to your Classic family, or collect more Cheeky Cherry items through the Cheeky Cherry ?? Boxes, you can find both in the Webkinz Classic WShop and at Ganz eStore.





7 Responses to Free Gift for Cheeky Cherry Hippo owners!

  1. astreich001 says:

    when with the hippo be able to wear clothes in clubhouse? was supposed to be fixed the 15th.. thanks!

  2. sosotto says:

    Yay! Such cute items!

  3. InTheGarden2010 says:

    Aww!!! So cute my sister won’t lemme spend any money tho for Ganz points ):( but am I gonna listen to her? PFFFFFT NOH WAY! XD GONNA GET SUM TO PICK UP THESR CUTE PIECES!!! I hope I win the chair contest so I can get this!!!!!

  4. candicarmin says:

    UGH why is this one so cute. I need it all.

  5. Zooooooz says:

    Yay! I love my CCH :) I wonder why she’s (ahem) always nakey in the Clubhouse and Park!! She only wears clothing at home?

  6. mfaull says:

    Oh how great!! Gonna go get my hippo now!!

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