FrooFroo Fox

The FrooFroo Fox is a most refined and pampered woodland creature, darling! They just adore being waiting on while they lounge fashionably on their Elegant Settee, and there simply isn’t anything up to their standards other than a Crayfish Cocktail when it comes to culinary delights!

127 Responses to FrooFroo Fox

  1. nora says:

    i think it is great and it looks cool and i think i will want to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. puppy123451562 says:

    SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

  3. puppy123451562 says:

    i think the foo foo fox is cute because it is pink and pink is my fav color and it is a joyful pet bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. puccab02 says:

    its so pretty and it has sparkles and my favorite color pink!

  5. lotanna says:

    Ooh,SPARKELEY PAWS!!I might get one for Christmas!

  6. alia says:

    Ah!!!!! omg i want this Froo Froo Fox <3 i LOVE it!

  7. skylar says:

    THIS IS SO CUTE!!! even though i hate pink, so cute!

  8. keocat says:

    TOO MUCH PINK!!! but the pet is sooo cute.

  9. nskrid5 says:

    sooo cute :):):)!!!

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