Garage Sale Continues This Weekend!


30 Responses to Garage Sale Continues This Weekend!

  1. heyppl says:

    it ended 2 days after my b-day. boohoo!!!

  2. ganz335 says:

    I geuss I do miss the old Webkinz a bit. The only thing I miss is the game at the tornament arena called Quizzy’s Challenge. :(

  3. ganz335 says:

    OMG!!! Those objects look awesome! Too bad I don’t have estore. Why do you have to pay anyway for etore? I thought Ganz was a “free” website? Am I right?

  4. ~ * $iverWolf *~ says:

    Happy B-day ! i’m REALLY happy 2day cause my coyote webkinz came in the mail!! i’m going 2 name him right now!!

  5. Bellatrixsarmy says:

    Cool! I don’t have estore though…

    Today is my birthday!!

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