Garage Sale Continues This Weekend!


30 Responses to Garage Sale Continues This Weekend!

  1. rockingbox says:

    Awesome,awesome,awesome when I get E Store points some day I will totally buy all of this! P.S. Have you seen Amazing World yet? It rocks.-Amazing World Fan

  2. daisybug03 says:

    yeah i dont have any pts. though!! :(

  3. Tomo2 says:

    I only wish that some of the E-Store items were not all E-Store coins….. ;)

  4. blake says:

    this is so cool

  5. ZhuZhuPetsButterCheeks says:

    Cool Stuff. Like the Tree and Cotten Candy Tree. They should make a Hotel with a Hot Tub in it. ZhuZhuPetsButterCheeks

  6. lovepuppygirl says:


  7. sparklmeup says:

    why do u have 2 own estore points why don’t they just use kinz cash might as well do that

  8. mila2004 says:

    im not delux and i dont have estore points p.s add me user name mila2004 no caps

  9. lovebugs131 says:

    Cool but I don’t have points on the ganz eStore but I have lots on the webkinz eStore.

    • Dawnstar says:

      So there’s no way to transfer points? Perhaps Ganz will consider it for a future upgrade. -*Dawnstar*

      • Moonstar says:

        But I have good news! I got a Rabbit Webkinz, and I’m going to name it Tiffany. :) I use the eStore and am a Deluxe user. I am upset thought, since I never use the eStore in Webkinz World, I still have 13,000 points in there. But I would love to transfer the 13,000 points into my Ganz eStore account. By the way, White Bunny is worth around 200,000, right? -Mooonstar◙◙◙

        • M&M Lover says:

          Comment cut off Moonstar? You weren’t on for a while, good to see you back! :) I have tons of eStore pts., I get every single Promo Pet. And 75,000 pts. stacks up fast! -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • Moonstar says:

            Woah, you’re a good friend and all M&M Lover, but why did you sign with my signature? -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • M&M Lover says:

            Just wondering, are you on right now? Our comments are close together. And, some of my comment was cut off, so it looked like I did your signature, and I really signed with M&M Lover, but the space inbetween the comments was taken away. I didn’t mean to, really. -M&M Lover◙◙◙

    • mortonhippo says:

      Cool! I am not estore but I actually have lots if those things from challenges! :mrgreen: ~mortonhippo~

    • Chicago Made says:

      Oh, this is pretty cool. I like the Cotton Candy Tree. :lol: I haven’t used the estore in quite a while, since I’m trying to save up a whole bunch of estore points for October, because I think the estore has the best items by then, so… ;) ~Chicago Made☠ PS – @SkrillexCBF56 and @Paranormal Scene – you guys wanna meet me in the trading room today, now? I’m on now, so if you want to trade with me, give me shout.

    • vampires after dawn says:

      awesome even tho I’m not e-store anyways i wrote this cuz i really miss the old webkinz world the new pets are awesome but ganz deleted dicekinz and that jazz and i don’t know i guess i just miss the old webkinz i just hope they don’t delete my page =p whatsever =,,,[

    • nihao9 says:

      Awesome! I love the garage sales! I already have the Gazpacho Sandwich Maker, the butterfly tree, and the mini Yeti Tree. I have 30,000 E-store points and I am saving them even more! Your Friend nihao9! ;)

    • FunkinessCraze says:

      I already have the Chef Gazpacho mini cooker from something on WW :)

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