Please do not enter your child's Webkinz Newz account or any Webkinz World™ account here. This step is to associate your own separate Ganz Parent Club and Webkinz Newz accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?
If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
* Ganz eStore Garage Sale runs from 12:01am August 26 to 11:59pm August 28, 2011 or until supplies last. Offer cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash or combined with any other offer. Discount based on regular prices.
Why has everything to so expensive. I have been a member since 2005 and think your just milking parents for money at every turn. Gee thanks Webkinz isn’t buying the stuff animals enough?
Cool! I don’t have an Estore account, plus I’m pretty broke at the moment, but It’s still kinda neat. I love sales LOL
PEACE & SHOPPING 4evr $~Addict502~$
Hey it’s me, SquirrelFlight. I think the estore is fine, but the Wshop or Kinzstyle outlet or Curio shop shouldn’t be pushed aside to let it through. Estore can exist for those who like it and use it, but new themes and items will appear in the regular shops on Webkinz just as often as things in the estore appear. Reply if you like this idea, then maybe Ganz will consider it. -SquirrelFlight ☺☺☺
Hey SquirrelFlight,
Have you noticed that some of today’s activiries are quickdraws for estore items…Not that i’ve won any but they are there!
Hey y’all it’s me, SquirrelFlight. FoggyBottom, I have noticed that and I think the quickdraws are a great way for non estore members to win estore items. Ganz, continue to hold contests for estore items as well as estore pets. There is new clothing in the kinzstyle outlet and a new rare theme in the curio shop so now we just need something new in the W shop. -SquirrelFlight ☺☺☺
I know right! I spend 2 weeks allounce ( 20 bucks a week ) for points… and there are REAL garage sales comin up! I am savin my money, i am SOOO not spending my money on this
I love the e-Store items but I can’t buy e-Store points. (They are too much money in this econmey.) But I would love them to give us free e-Store stuff. :)
I know doglover1 I think it might kind of be a waist of money just to play on the computer. We should be spending it on food and groceries and stuff like that. Stuff that we really truely need. I know that it would be cool to have them…and again, waist of money. But eveything is starting to become deluxe this deluxe that, and e-store this e-store that. I mean I’m not even a deluxe member! Does that cost money? :-/ (please answer) I’m just kind of tired of everthing being deluxe and e-store. :-(
Replying to: doglover1
Name: korange7
Username: P.S. I would love to be your friend on webkinz! My username is korange7. What is yours? :-/
u have to go to webkinz word (don’t login)
and find the deal of the day and click on it then find what your looking for.
oh u buy things with ganz points
i agree with you lillyluvie i don`t use ganz e store. boo us!i have been in the store they have nice things for your rooms. i wanted extra spree rolls.there is a spa you can make in your room.cheek it out!!!
i dont like e store at all because i think it should be fair to all webkinz people to either not have e store or let everyone to have e store. i dont have e store :( :p
I wonder if they will be selling things for 1000 estore points or under that were 2000 points or under before the sale…….. (?) :D
I very much so hope they’ll be giving free items away! Even a little hat would be cool. ~DarthVader
You know wat surprises me? That while a whole bunch of ppl are here saying how much they dont like estore, that they dont just do a peek-a-news so that everyone can win one estore item, if they did do that i want want it to be the lazy river ride, ive always wanted that!
ya, and i noticed lately on webkinz daily activities they have been having quick draws for estore items. and its for everyone , not just deluxe members.
Are you sure those are e-store items? :-/ If you are sure and they are e-store items that would be awesome! :-) Are you a deluxe member? :-/ Well, if you want to be friends on webkinz please do so my username is korange7! :-)
Hey! DarthVader was my name at a time!! How’s it going? lol
I totally agree with you. I have 1000 extra E-store points as well. :) A little hat would be cool. Even a little t-shirt or glasses! But, even though it’s sad to say, E-store clearly states that everything in the e-store is priced. :( Sorry. ~Skywalker58~
Reply to: sparkegirlLT, korange7, me747, Amber, Kendall, Always:), and every other webkinz world members who don’t have e store points I know how you guys feel ’cause I don’t have any points either! I wish that there were arcade games to earn e store points instead of just game for kinzcash. I would also be so happy if they would give out some cool e store items to members who don’t have points. Hey, I should try to tell them that for a suggestion!!!! -Marshmallow
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
Why has everything to so expensive. I have been a member since 2005 and think your just milking parents for money at every turn. Gee thanks Webkinz isn’t buying the stuff animals enough?
Hey guys i do wish they would give free stuff out but they can’t, :-) Add me as a friend now
jordanflaum. I wish i had e-store points but i don’t :-(
I don’t use the eStore but I think I will now
Hey how likes Pokemon I have been a fan of it sense I was 3 or 4 I know some of you think it is dum and i understand that.
Cool! I don’t have an Estore account, plus I’m pretty broke at the moment, but It’s still kinda neat. I love sales LOL
PEACE & SHOPPING 4evr $~Addict502~$
my opinion is that ganz could make more themes and such for every shoppe. just to end this predicament.
bye bye for now,
tree hugger
I think they should make the ancient egyptian theme more available. ~Scarfire;”)
Hey it’s me, SquirrelFlight. I think the estore is fine, but the Wshop or Kinzstyle outlet or Curio shop shouldn’t be pushed aside to let it through. Estore can exist for those who like it and use it, but new themes and items will appear in the regular shops on Webkinz just as often as things in the estore appear. Reply if you like this idea, then maybe Ganz will consider it. -SquirrelFlight ☺☺☺
Luv it SquirrelFlight Yo. I use the estore sometimes but there should be more stuff in the WW shops.
I can’t ever use the Estore or be a Delexe member.
Hey SquirrelFlight,
Have you noticed that some of today’s activiries are quickdraws for estore items…Not that i’ve won any but they are there!
Hey y’all it’s me, SquirrelFlight. FoggyBottom, I have noticed that and I think the quickdraws are a great way for non estore members to win estore items. Ganz, continue to hold contests for estore items as well as estore pets. There is new clothing in the kinzstyle outlet and a new rare theme in the curio shop so now we just need something new in the W shop. -SquirrelFlight ☺☺☺
I like this idea!!!!!!
there is also e store items on the supper wheel
Me too! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
My username is korange7 Want to be friends? :-)
To: Nanny
Totally agree SquirrelFlight Yo.
Why does it ALWAYS have to be eStore?!!! PLZ put some new stuff in the W-Shop
I agree ~+IceWolf+~
me to (sarahrhooser):p
I know right! I spend 2 weeks allounce ( 20 bucks a week ) for points… and there are REAL garage sales comin up! I am savin my money, i am SOOO not spending my money on this
Tell me about it IceWolf…
Your lucky you even get an allowance.
You spend your money on that kind of junk? Oh well, it’s your choice! :-)
Replying to: no name required
korange7 age: 9 (almost 10)
Username: korange7
I know that’s what I’m saying! :-D
Sent to: ~+IceWolf+~
Name: korange7
Username: korange7
I love the e-Store items but I can’t buy e-Store points. (They are too much money in this econmey.) But I would love them to give us free e-Store stuff. :)
I know doglover1 I think it might kind of be a waist of money just to play on the computer. We should be spending it on food and groceries and stuff like that. Stuff that we really truely need. I know that it would be cool to have them…and again, waist of money. But eveything is starting to become deluxe this deluxe that, and e-store this e-store that. I mean I’m not even a deluxe member! Does that cost money? :-/ (please answer) I’m just kind of tired of everthing being deluxe and e-store. :-(
Replying to: doglover1
Name: korange7
Username: P.S. I would love to be your friend on webkinz! My username is korange7. What is yours? :-/
thats kind of cool i wonder if there giving stuff away
I don’t think they will be giving stuff away but that would be cool.
I don’t think so either, Allie. But it might be like a HUGE sale!!
This is cool that they are giving us some good deals! But I don’t use the Estore, oh well!
Luv From LillyLuvie* :)
I agree with lillyluvie.But I do use the estore and Ganz estore
I don’t either. Oh well. :-)
I don’t use the estore, but i want to. HOw do you do you do that? And what is the garage sale? How do you play?
How do you use the estore?
you need to make a account on estore to use it.
u have to go to webkinz word (don’t login)
and find the deal of the day and click on it then find what your looking for.
oh u buy things with ganz points
i dont use estore that really stinks . i wish i did. o well
Yeah, I don’t really use it either and I don’t have any of those e-store coins or whatever those are. And again, oh well! :-)
korange7 age:9 (almost 10) :-)
Are you going into grade 4 korange7? I am going into grade 5! -Serene :D
well I’m going to 7 grade.
i agree with you lillyluvie i don`t use ganz e store. boo us!i have been in the store they have nice things for your rooms. i wanted extra spree rolls.there is a spa you can make in your room.cheek it out!!!
i agree i can’t even use it because i don’t have any e store cash at all!!!!!
I agree with sara
yeah i don’t use estore either but it would be totally awesome!
i dont like e store at all because i think it should be fair to all webkinz people to either not have e store or let everyone to have e store. i dont have e store :( :p
i’am gonna check it out too! it does sound exciting, and who knows what they are selling u may go there and find something amazing to buy!
I think so too it sounds exciting!!!!!! :) Im checking it out!
I hate how you have to pay real money
u do?
yah. It’s to bad I don’t do e-store plus, why waste all you’re money on virtuil stuff???
I wonder if they will be selling things for 1000 estore points or under that were 2000 points or under before the sale…….. (?) :D
I very much so hope they’ll be giving free items away! Even a little hat would be cool. ~DarthVader
i would love free stuff but they cant just hand things out :( -mebelovintheBEATLES♥
not true.
You know wat surprises me? That while a whole bunch of ppl are here saying how much they dont like estore, that they dont just do a peek-a-news so that everyone can win one estore item, if they did do that i want want it to be the lazy river ride, ive always wanted that!
That would be great! I’ve always wanted the Fashionista Fedora.
ya, and i noticed lately on webkinz daily activities they have been having quick draws for estore items. and its for everyone , not just deluxe members.
Are you sure those are e-store items? :-/ If you are sure and they are e-store items that would be awesome! :-) Are you a deluxe member? :-/ Well, if you want to be friends on webkinz please do so my username is korange7! :-)
korange7 age:9 (almost 10)
UNTRUE!!!!! I did that and got a wshop item!!!!
i know every thing would be so much easier!!!!
Hey! DarthVader was my name at a time!! How’s it going? lol
I totally agree with you. I have 1000 extra E-store points as well. :) A little hat would be cool. Even a little t-shirt or glasses! But, even though it’s sad to say, E-store clearly states that everything in the e-store is priced. :( Sorry. ~Skywalker58~
Yeah I agree with the little hat thing! :-)
korange7 age:9 (almost 10)
why becasuse maybe they will! you never now
Pretty cool, though i don’t do estore
-Always :-)
I hope so, ’cause I don’t have any ecoins.
Wow. Those are coool!
Even if it is a HUGE sale I still don’t have any estore credits so I can’t get anything. :(
I know I can’t get anything either because I also don’t have any! :-( :-l
Replying to: sparklegirlLT
korange7 age:9 (almost 10)
username: korange7
me neither too bad
Reply to: sparkegirlLT, korange7, me747, Amber, Kendall, Always:), and every other webkinz world members who don’t have e store points I know how you guys feel ’cause I don’t have any points either! I wish that there were arcade games to earn e store points instead of just game for kinzcash. I would also be so happy if they would give out some cool e store items to members who don’t have points. Hey, I should try to tell them that for a suggestion!!!! -Marshmallow
It’s not fair that you have to have points. I don’t have any so I can’t get that stuff.
of course their giving stuff away thats why they call it a garage SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If that much paints dripping from the W, wheres the paint dripping from the other letters?
Lol cute your funny slemire☺ :)
thats so cool my name is rachel too so cool
I hope they are. i don’t have an estore account. That would be cool!!!!
yeah it wuold be fun
yeah i think so to it would be cool but if they do i am so going to do it
yep that would be really cool woul’t it
i hope they are giviing stuff away
I know so cool