Please do not enter your child's Webkinz Newz account or any Webkinz World™ account here. This step is to associate your own separate Ganz Parent Club and Webkinz Newz accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?
If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
* Ganz eStore Garage Sale runs from 12:01am August 26 to 11:59pm August 28, 2011 or until supplies last. Offer cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash or combined with any other offer. Discount based on regular prices.
I wish the days where the e-store wasn’t taking Webkinz World were back! Ever sine the e-store came up, more than half of your members who can’t shop online or don’t have a lot of money have had lower rights than someone who was rich enough to buy pixels! You should put an end to this madness!
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
I wish the days where the e-store wasn’t taking Webkinz World were back! Ever sine the e-store came up, more than half of your members who can’t shop online or don’t have a lot of money have had lower rights than someone who was rich enough to buy pixels! You should put an end to this madness!
no luck for me yet
I need some idems i hope they give out things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the stuff is kool i just dont know how to do it.
Don’t they know a proper garage sale begins on Thursday and items are marked very cheaply?
they have nothing for free it is so sad.IM SO MADDD!!
i wish they could make a garage sale with estore, exclusives,rares, but could be for all members and could be bought with kc. who agrees
I agree?!