Glitzy Dragon

162 Responses to Glitzy Dragon

  1. spookythelavadragon says:

    What’s weird is that’s not what the dragon looks like in the picture where you see their health and such. I prefer this look over the one you see. I find it odd how this is what it looks like online but, it doesn’t look like that. Its got more of a chubby dino apprearance. Can someone explain why this is not how it looks online? :/

  2. itsadventuretime23 says:

    I want it, but it’s retired not new…

  3. fasteye55 says:

    it is a pretty dragon! :) posted by fasteye55 find it on webkinz

  4. Hope says:

    Ireallywaaaantitttttihopeeeeeigetttttitttttbecauseits so cuteeeee i loveit

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