Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

Go-Go Googles™ is joining the growing list of great Webkinz™ games available on iPhone, iPod and iPad! Challenge yourself with this fan favorite game and earn KinzCash™ for your Webkinz World™ account!

Go-Go Googles™ is available for download at the Apple App Store, where you can also find Polar Plunge, Smoothie Moves, Cash Cow 2, Goober’s Lab and Where’s Wacky!

132 Responses to Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

  1. Ali says:


  2. RavenFL says:

    to: webkinz administrator guy dear boss of webkinz ganz, i think it would be really cool if you were to put all the webkinz pet of the month songs on a cd and have them for sale at all the stores who sell webkinz. then people like me who are obsessed with webkinz and love the songs, we could be able to sync them to our ipods and play them on our radio and listen to them in the car instead of having to log on to webkinz world and going to the music starz, also we could be able to listen to them in different places instead of listening to them in one place. also sometimes im not even allowed on webkinz world. i feel like this is my greates idea yet

    • kinzpost says:

      That is an awesome idea RavenFL! I would get Tiger Tiger (don’t know if it’s trademarked or not) it’s my fave POTM song!

      ~KinzPost ☆ ☆ ☆

    • BTW says:

      RavenFL, WEBKINZ the Best of Kinz Tunes Vol 1, released in 2009. Sorry, but Ganz already had your great idea! PS there is probably a Vol 2 by now,but I don’t have it.

  3. QueenVet says:

    I don’t have an iPhone anyway . . . =(

  4. Rebecca says:

    I love go-go googles! i’m going to play it on webkinz right now! :)

  5. leelandluver says:

    you should make games for verison androids that is what i have. that way you can get more ppl buying your app.

    • peroson says:

      I agree! My Mom has the IPhone because her Android broke when the charger got stuck. My Dad has Android, and since he and my mom love webkinz like me so much, they share ohones sometimes.

  6. cookiebunny77 says:

    Cool and i would get it… IF IT WAS FREE

  7. Haley says:

    When will you put something on the Android?

  8. lucy says:

    I wish they were available for Android devices too. :(

  9. Likes says:

    i am glad to see that the games are at least on the iphone, but why cant you also develop a version for the better Android phones? i think there is a bigger market for them (at least in my city).

    • Moonstar says:

      Hmm, that is strange, in my town, I-Phones are still the coolest, Androids lost popularity with in a week. -Moonstar♣♣♣

      • lisiec8 says:

        well were i live everyone wonts one but no one has one! there too exspencive!

      • Skywalker58 says:

        Where are you?!?! I am trying to get into your party but it comes up and says ‘Host of party not home! Please try again in a few minutes.’ I am but you are still not there Moonstar!! I was really looking foward to meeting you pal!! :) :( You’re still not there. :(

        • Moonstar says:

          I am really sorry! When I was trying to log in, I kept getting an error message saying there was too many peopl logged in, I kept trying and trying but it kept saying that! Did I invite you to my party for tommorow? Please tell me I did! Come to that one. -Moonstar◘◘◘

        • Moonstar says:

          Why would I invite you again!! I was there but you didn’t show up!

          • Moonstar says:

            Um, I didn’t write that. I would never say that, I am really happy that I did invite you to both parties and if I didn’t I am really sorry I didn’t.
            But, this coppying is becoming like when I was coppied as Silverstar. You know how much that scarred me in ways you can’t imagine? Go check it out then, search Stove, then look for the Blooming Stove article. That article or an eStore fashion one with 90 something comments on it. -Moonstar•••

          • kinzpost says:

            I feel so bad for you :( Everywhere I go I see so many people with your username. I really hope it stops.

            Hugs and best wishes
            ~KinzPost ☆☆☆

          • Webkinz says:

            I know I saw what happened. I always thought you were another person just copying the star part of Sliverstar. Will you please add me I am lilyj11

          • kinzpost says:

            Hey Webkinz! Would you mind if I add you too?

            ~KinzPost ☆☆☆

      • Webkinz says:

        Huh that is weird in my city there are so many i phones

  10. mghp says:

    COOL! i wish it was free….
    add me im mghp (no CAPS!)

    • Moonstar says:

      I agree, but then Ganz would get no money. Bluestar? My parents hae i-Phones, maybe they will put it on. -Mooonstar♣♣♣

      • Dawnstar says:

        Moonstar, see my post on “PJ and Amanda?” It’s about two thirds of the way down. -*Dawnstar*

        • Straystar says:

          I agree with you Moonstar. Hey, I am a new commenter here, I come on alot so, I’ll be here from now on!
          I agree, Ganz needs some way to make money, as if plush pets arn’t enough. ( JK ) But, this is pretty cool! I mean, it would be really, really cool, if they put it on some other phones too. My parents have iPhones but I doubt that they will put these games on them. -Straystar○○○

      • Skywalker58 says:

        It’s alright! I understand. I couldn’t make the one today, gardenwork! :) I hope something later will work out so i can meet you finally! :) :) :) So somone’s copying you as Moonstar now? And bringing me into it, huh? :0
        Well, see you later i guess! Have a really good day Moonstar! :) Skywalker58~

      • Faith says:

        Lucky! My parents have flip phines with no texting… :(

    • OMG!!! says:


      • kinzpost says:

        That’s sooooo awesome OMG!!! (BTW, lovin’ the username! ♥ ♥)
        ~KinzPost ☆☆☆

      • treeeater1 says:

        awesome how??!!

        • OMG~!!!!!!!!!! aka Emily says:

          Well, first of all: I forgot to put OMG!!!!! aka EMily yesterday, so its still me. I won the iPad for only 8 dollars in this thing called Barber Cut at the mall. I got it for 8 dollars because we used 8 dollars and I finally cut the iPad from its rope and won! To play the barber cut put one dollar in the game. Then press the button to make it move across the machine. Once you find what you want, stop pressing the button and press a different one. The scissors will then move forward. Stop pressing when you think its in the right place! I have been trying for MONTHS to win, and OMG I FINALLY WON!!!!!!!!!!! I used to go after the webkinz rooster with a 500$ mall gift card, but this person from Ohio on vacation won it. So now I go after the iPad, and won! Just FYI I am commenting from my iPad!

        • Grace [aka loosygoosygracie} says:

          Good job Emily!I always wanted an IPad.But my dad says he won’t bye it so I have to bye it for myself.Do you want to be friends with me on webkinz world?My username is loosygoosygracie.Whats yours?Because last time i ask another pearson to be my friend and instead of one there 50!

          • mewyou2 says:

            COOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!! I always wanted an ipad! you are sooooo lucky!say,want to be friends? I know many people asked you but PLEEEEAAAAS?

            PS: my username is mewyou2

      • GAme ROcks! says:

        Can you guys make pizza parlor???? ♠♠♠ please? ♠♠♠

      • squrit says:

        awesome i wish i had a iPad they are so

    • hm... says:

      i dont agree with this, half the kids playing webkinz dont hav or cant afford ipod touches or iphones. this is just shoving another thing in the faces of kids who cant afford or cant hav big special things like deluxe extra stuff and ipod games and the estore.

    • i dont have an username lol says:

      hopefully this time its WITHOUT glitches!! all the other ones are. so its ok mghp, youre not missing out on much(in my opinion)

    • AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

      GREAT!!!! Now I can add that game to my Iphone. Yes!!!!! I already have smoothieoves, cashcow 2, goobers lab, and I think thats it Oh! wheres wacky. I got an Iphone when I was eight. when i was ten i got my phone, ipod, laptop and wii for my tenth birthday. Now im eleven and i play webkinz 24 hours. really.

    • a person says:

      i feel your pain

    • Sweetie pie the white terreir says:

      now you make me want a ipad,iphone, or mobile:(

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