Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

Go-Go Googles™ is joining the growing list of great Webkinz™ games available on iPhone, iPod and iPad! Challenge yourself with this fan favorite game and earn KinzCash™ for your Webkinz World™ account!

Go-Go Googles™ is available for download at the Apple App Store, where you can also find Polar Plunge, Smoothie Moves, Cash Cow 2, Goober’s Lab and Where’s Wacky!

132 Responses to Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

  1. Tearpond says:

    Cool. I would get it, but it’s most likely not free… I would defiantly get it if it was free… Oh by the way, my username is littlemuffet77, no caps or spaces, if anyone wants to add me.

  2. CookieMonsterXoX says:

    I want an Eager Beaver app soooooo bad!!!!!

  3. Billstar says:

    I like pie. I wish there was 1 free, at least.

  4. webkinz girl says:

    when i go to books a millon the have soooooo many. i go there to get webkinz

  5. Bdog says:

    Can you make it a free app this time?

  6. Rebekah says:

    Cool! Thanks, ganz. I love Go Go Googles!!!!!

  7. tinkie205 says:

    I would love it if they had Tropical Troubles for the iPhone! I love that game!

    • Amanda the Pomeranian lover says:

      WHO LOVES POERANIANS, PLEASE TELL ME???!!! I have 68 Webkinz, a couple of my Webkinz have Warrior names such as my Calico Cat Jayfeather, my Himilayin Cat Spottedleaf, my Fox Flametail, and I also have 8 Signatures one is the Signature Pomeranian jis name`s Rusty, and I also have the Razzle Dazzle Dog her name is LadyGaga!!!! My user name is FROFLY, all in capitals, fyi. And I have two real live Pomeranians named Charlie and Brandy, a Hound, five Cats, two Rabbits, eight Hens, and six Fish!!!!

  8. amasnow says:

    Ok guys…I have problem. I found clue 4 in the treasure hunt…but I can’t find the next one..can you help me? or tell me what it is??? I would appreciate alot! Thanks!!!! ~a*m*a*s*n*o*w LUCKYLUVIE <3 (my user is amasnow) but I like LUCKYLUVIE. just so you know. lol… And I TOTALLY agree with RavenFL. That is a GREAT idea.

  9. Grannivan says:

    Please make some of the games available on Android apps. And if you made some of the older games available for free and people saw how cool they were, they might be more willing to pay for some of the other games. Just a thought.

  10. Moonstar says:

    My parents said they don’t want to pay for childish games on their iPhones..Oh well! Add me. User: knzxtreme–Moonstar♣♣♣

    • Dawnstar says:

      How many pets do you have? What are their names? -*Dawnstar*

      • Moonstar says:

        I didn’t write that. Dawnstar, add me on my other account, meganlovescheetahs. I have 61 pets, I think. Somewhere in the 60′s. On my 1000Silverstar account, I have 2 pets. A mocha pup named Alexa and a tuxedo cat named Tallstar. And you should know my username is 1000Silverstar, NOT kinzxtreme! -Moonstar◘◘◘

        • Dawnstar says:

          I visited your My Page on Web. World, so I knew you had two pets on the 1000Silverstar account. I just posted that to throw off the fake Moonstar. -*Dawnstar*

          • Moonstar says:

            That was what I thought, I was thinking, I know that you know that. I remember Kinzxtreme, on a really old post, when I wasn’t a leader, I was Silverstream and I remember someone wanting to add me. That was when I only had 1 account. But really? Do people have to copy me??? -Moonstar◘◘◘

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