Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

Go-Go Googles™ is joining the growing list of great Webkinz™ games available on iPhone, iPod and iPad! Challenge yourself with this fan favorite game and earn KinzCash™ for your Webkinz World™ account!

Go-Go Googles™ is available for download at the Apple App Store, where you can also find Polar Plunge, Smoothie Moves, Cash Cow 2, Goober’s Lab and Where’s Wacky!

132 Responses to Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

  1. darrell says:

    wow!!!! i just won!!!! omg

  2. megan says:

    right whith you they need to make some free apps for the ipodes

  3. Kaka says:

    Yay! I Have An IPod Touch SoI Can Add This Game!!

  4. Pienna says:


  5. Caitlin says:

    I wish that the apps were for the iPad too. It says that it’s compatible, and it is.. but you have to enlarge the picture and you get poor game quality. However, I LOVE that I can play my Webkinz games on the go and am happy to have these available! Would love to see more games come out and maybe apps just for rooms and different areas of the Webkinz world. With my Webkinz site always crashing and making me shut it down and log back in, it’s great to be able to play the games on my phone where it never crashes. Great stuff but again, would like to see improved game play for iPad and an expansion of the game variety! Great work!

  6. goldenbiscuit2 says:

    why cant it be free i relly want it to be free so why cant it be free!

  7. stacey says:

    it is sooo asomme
    i think it wold be fair that everyone should have one

  8. emma says:

    what is this?

  9. random person says:

    ya make some free apps

  10. sarah says:

    OMG i want a iphone right now!!!

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