Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

Go-Go Googles™ is joining the growing list of great Webkinz™ games available on iPhone, iPod and iPad! Challenge yourself with this fan favorite game and earn KinzCash™ for your Webkinz World™ account!

Go-Go Googles™ is available for download at the Apple App Store, where you can also find Polar Plunge, Smoothie Moves, Cash Cow 2, Goober’s Lab and Where’s Wacky!

132 Responses to Go-Go Googles™ is ON the iPhone!

  1. austin says:

    if i won watever i win i wold use it rite to take good care of it so it dosent brake

  2. spirtgirl12 says:

    i wish i could have a ipad ur so lucky omg

  3. Webkinz User says:

    Aswemoest game ever in the world

  4. 45brazil says:


  5. corryn says:

    i’ll try to talk my mom into it

  6. Alexis says:

    I have an i phone so i will probably download it soon-that would be awesome if you could earn kinzcash on your i phone.


  7. schultz667 says:

    got it on my ipod touch. its not as fun as the computer one.

  8. chad says:

    You are sooooo lucky, I don’t have a DS, IPAD,IPOD,or anything like that,I WANT A TINY ipod.

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