Happy New Year from Webkinz World!




All of us here in Webkinz World would like to wish our fantastic fans a Happy New Year! 2014 will be the 9th year since we launched (in April 2005) and we would like to say how much we appreciate those who have been with us since the beginning, and those who have more recently discovered the wonders of Webkinz World!


There have been many changes over the years, and 2014 will continue our amazing evolution! We have some exciting new plans that will revolutionize the way you play, including more focus on taking care of your pets, and a better, faster experience as we continue to make the move onto mobile devices!






78 Responses to Happy New Year from Webkinz World!

  1. zinzogs says:

    WHOOO! I am so excited to see the new line of Webkinz since signatures ended! I’m sure it’s gonna be great! HAPPY NEW YEAR :D

  2. 11roxy4 says:


  3. chrissyranch says:

    happy new year to you too ganz. and all of you webkinz players too

  4. ttay1234 says:

    wow have the years gone fast it fells like it was yesterday when i got my first webkinz (when i was 4)

  5. popy380 says:

    you should make a “chat with host” option. if you were in the curio shop, then there would be a “chat with arte” list. it would have a list of things to say to arte, such as “would you like a tip?” or “i love your shop!” or “a retired item! cool!” each host would have its own list of things to say to them, and each phrase would have multiple proggramed responses. you know how we can chat with our pets? well, it would be a lot like that! oh, and at different times of the year, they would have a few different things to say! then i could say to pj collie “i love your new clothing line!” and i could say to amanda panda “i only need one more token and i’ll have ten!” oh, and you should be able to say things to them like “what’s your favorete clothing piece” or “whats your favorete gem” and they would NEVER say “all of them!” i want them to have an opiniun!

  6. Elizabeh says:

    I can’t wait to see the expanded care for our pets developments! What can they be?! I hope they include some new phrases, for interacting with our pets! How about “Good Morning, night”, etc… and comments on how our pets look and how WE feel about our pets? And, Ganz folks, please some covers for our pets??!! At least some socks! :) Just a few suggestions. Thanks.

  7. barus says:

    Happy New Year!!!! I`m hoping that this year webkinz world will bring back Vacation Island, Get Eleven Solitare, Quizzy’s Word Challenge, and Eager Beaver, packages, and packages for everyone. I`m fine with webkinz making new things for just Deluxe members but, PLEASE don`t take stuff away that you already had. Once again, have a Happy New Year!!!

  8. TheLolipopKinz says:

    I joined Webkinz on July 28th 2010 :) Webkinz has gone so far!

  9. Kamots55 says:

    Happy New Year! I hope Ganz bring the signatures back!

  10. IsGo00242 says:

    Would anyone be willing to send me some of the items from the deluxe SleepOver Theme. I would like to fully complete the room but am not a deluxe player. I will send kinzcash coins in return! Please add my username: IsGo00242. Thank You!

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