Happy Player Appreciation Day!


Happy Player Appreciation Day! I’m so excited to announce that this month we are giving away THREE Player Appreciation Prizes – three pieces of the adorable White Chocolate Egg costume!


Here’s how to get your costume:

white chocolate egg suit

  1. Log into Webkinz.com today, April 14, 2019, and your White Chocolate Egg Suit will be added to your Dock.
    white chocolate egg suit
  2. Visit Ganz eStoretoday, April 14, 2019, and look for the ad at the top of the page to get your free code for a White Chocolate Egg Hat.white chocolate egg suit
  3. Get your free code for White Chocolate Egg Shoes here:



You can redeem these codes in the Code Shop on webkinz.com. Codes award one item per Webkinz account and expire at midnight EST on June 30, 2019.


Your pets will look sweet in this adorable costume!


So fab. So fun.


73 Responses to Happy Player Appreciation Day!

  1. NIN4ever says:

    I can’t get the code for the hat…can someone help? thanks

  2. 88linda says:

    Have looked for the ad ???? Even followed the link no ad?….help

  3. Sapphyre6 says:

    This ad is not showing up for me. I have ad blocker turned off, and all I am seeing is the diamond wardrobe ad. Not sure what is happening. :(

  4. fancyduck58 says:

    Hmmm, I’m not seeing the ad at the Ganz eStore, it’s 8 pm EST. Just an ad for a free diamond wardrobe with purchase of eStore points. Did this event end earlier today?

  5. teachspecial says:

    Thank you for such an awesome gift AND that is kinzpostable!!!

  6. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Happy Player Appreciation Day, everyone! I hope you all enjoy your costume pieces! They’ll look great on the Webkinz bunnies and the Kiwi Bird! (Still disappointed in the pet because of the color change) In a week, it’ll be Easter! Good luck, everyone!

  7. THUREE says:

    Thank you for the code. It’s great not having to look for another floater this month. Personally, think there are too many floaters this month. The kids are tied to the computer trying to get the activities done.

  8. mea91 says:

    Thanks! Also, does anyone know when the Webkinz Realm sale on the Estore ends? I might grab a pet from there.

  9. chelseaaa123 says:

    love the costume! thanks!

  10. bonesbongo says:

    Thank you so much Mayor Sophie! My pets love the costume, they looked so adorable wearing it. :}

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