Happy Webkinz Day!


Hello Kinzville! Happy Webkinz Day! Let me tell you about everything we’re doing today in Webkinz World to celebrate our 11th anniversary!



When you log in today, you’ll receive a Webkinz Day Gift Box containing a special trophy, a framed group print, a Wish Token, and of course, a delicious slice of Webkinz Day Cake!



Visit the Today’s Activities schedule to spin the Super Wheel! You’ll have a chance to win some hard-to-find items, like Curio Shop Wallpaper, a Wonderful Webkinz Wardrobe, a Webkinz Newz Camera, a Building Block Nafaria Statue, a Soft Landing Hay Wagon Bed, or an Amanda Panda Chest! You’ll also find lots of other fun-filled activities scheduled all throughout the day today!



Visit the Arcade to start playing the Smoothie Moves Trophy Challenge! You have until the end of Sunday, May 1st to complete the challenge and win Blanche’s Convertible!



There are special Webkinz-themed items available to be won on all of our prize wheels until May 17th! For the full preview, check out our earlier sneak peek story!



Don’t forget there are 4 new Webkinz Hosts that you can add to your friends list! If you send them a KinzPost, you might get a reply! To learn more, read our earlier sneak peek story!



As a special treat, this Webkinz Day is also a DELUXE FREE PREVIEW DAY! So everyone will get the Deluxe experience this Webkinz Day!


Thank you to everyone for being a part of Webkinz World these past 11 years, and we hope to continue making this the most fun place to be!


Mayor of Kinzville


114 Responses to Happy Webkinz Day!

  1. MisakiKt says:

    YAY! HAPPY WEBKINZ DAY EVERYONE! Gee, I can’t believe it’s been a YEAR since I got the Decade Dragon! Have a wonderful day everyone!!! ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

  2. faithking45 says:

    Thanks, Ganz Webkinz team for all your amazing creativity over the years — you guys have so much talent, and make Webkinz World so fun! And thanks to all the amazing players, too! Also, I have to agree — I can NOT believe it has already been a YEAR since we got our wonderful decade dragons!!! (“

  3. snowmonkey9 says:

    Webkinz Day is so gr8 i even marked it on my calendar as a holiday. My webkinz stuffies and i would like to say Happy Webkinz Day to every one.

  4. ChristianCowgirl123 says:


  5. snowandlindsey says:

    Happy webkinz day friends!!!! I’m so excited to open my box, I havnt had the time to get online yet. Oh I just LOVE WEBKINZ DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jaredkinz says:

    Happy Webkinz Day Everyone! -@jaredkinz (from Instagram)

  7. Michelle08 says:

    Happy Webkinz Day everyone! I can’t believe Webkinz has been around for 11 years!! I LOVE Webkinz so much and I love spending my time on Webkinz world and here on Webkinz Newz. Webkinz is awesome and so are all you Webkinz players and hosts. Again, Happy Webkinz Day! We love you Webkinz team!!!!

  8. tigerkinz99 says:

    add me :)

  9. kittypoo says:


  10. BelieveInTheShield says:

    First off, HAPPY WEBKINZ DAY EVERYONE!!!!! Second, I cant believe its been a year already since the 10th anniversary it feels just like yesterday when I adopted my 10 year pup I joined in June of 2008 and have 100 or so pets I believe I even remember makin my account and bought my first webkinz with my babysitting money it was the velvety elephant because I LOVEE elephants and whatever anyone says no one is ever “too old” for webkinz yes its aimed for little kids but its for everybody I graduated 2 years ago from high school and play I dont care it makes me happy so thats all that should matter keep up the great work Webkinz team!

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