Happy Webkinz Day From The Mayor!



Today – Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 – is a big milestone! It’s Webkinz’ 15th anniversary! HAPPY WEBKINZ DAY, EVERYBODY!!!


Don’t forget to log in to get your Webkinz Day 2020 Gift Box! This year’s gift includes a Webkinz Day Year 15 Trophy, a Webkinz Day Year 15 Group Print, a Webkinz Day Year 15 Cake, a Crystal Fountain, and a Kiwi Bird Medallion Box containing 25 Kiwi Bird Pet Medallions! Drag the Gift Box into your pet’s room to get your gifts added to your Dock!




Visit Today’s Activities which can be accessed under the ‘Things To Do’ menu to spin the Super Wheel!





Plus, for 1 DAY ONLY today, free and full members will be able to play any game or activity in Webkinz World with our Free Deluxe Preview!





I’m so happy to share all the fun activities of Webkinz Day with all of you!


So fab. So fun.


Please note: If you are using the Webkinz Desktop App and you have multiple accounts, you will need to completely exit out of the app and relaunch it before switching accounts. If you simply log out and log back in again with a different account you won’t receive your gift. At that point you will need to open your alternate account(s) in a browser in order to get your gift.

110 Responses to Happy Webkinz Day From The Mayor!

  1. purpleotter says:

    My webkinz day surprise code did not work. Did I copy it wrong?

  2. tuxkitty1 says:

    Thank you again Ganz for a wonderful day!

  3. mochidochi says:

    I got the Jumbleberry Tractor! Just what I was hoping for! :)

  4. Traveller says:

    I said it yesterday. Gonna say it again today. I had a blast yesterday. Thank you to my awesome friends for all the cake (the one form of cake that can be consumed without triggering my blood sugars!) but also for all the tips on how to play webkinz. There are still so many things that I don’t know that I don’t know. Thanks to the lovely people on the forums, I learn something new almost every day. Special shoutout to @mirforbjs and @alphacat. Awesomeness in action!

  5. xdri says:

    Dear Mayor, I adopted a kiwi onn Webkinz Day but I didn t got the room I know we get at each new pet adopted. IS THERE A GLITCH HAPENING ON 29TH OF APRIL OR HAVE YOU CHANGED THE ADOPTION POLICY?

  6. gml1939 says:

    It was a wonderful party, Webkinz, and I had a great time! Your party but we got all the gifts! Thank you for everything!! Was a little disappointed Ganz did not have the Deluxe Memberships on sale at half price, but was thrilled that points were on sale. Thanks again for a great party day. To quote another player: Glad you exist! :-)

  7. loveheartmommy22 says:

    happy webkinz day! I got my kiwi bird today but it didnt come with a room idk why? Also it wouldn’t load the super wheel so I havnt been getting those prizes kinda sad

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      In future, please make sure you use Chrome or Firefox. Edge does not work with the Super Wheel. You only get a room with the first 10 pets you adopt.

  8. cassafrass32 says:

    I haven’t been able to get the super wheel to work allllll day.

  9. kri402 says:

    Happy Webkinz Day! Thank you Webkinz team for everything you do!

  10. clarakaukonen says:

    wow I absolutely love the field of daises wallpaper! I wish I was able to get it. If anyone happens to have a spare and doesn’t mind sending it to me I’d be incredibly grateful! My username is the same as here :)

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