Host an After Party with the Pisces Fish!


Webkinz Pisces Fish Raise your fins… the Pisces Fish is here!

This wild and watery wanderer has finally backstroked its way into Webkinz World and it’s no surprise that it loves to play Go Fish with its Zodiac Pet pals in the Kinzville Park!

Members lucky enough to adopt the Pisces Fish will receive an Underwater Archway and a tasty Cosmic Coral Kebob for their pet!

Oooooh, did someone say PARTY?

Every Webkinz celebrity and socialite knows that after the party is…the After Party!

Get ready to honor all the amazing pets who were lucky enough to win a coveted Golden Glamorous Gorilla award.

All the stars will be lining up to get into this After Party! It may last even longer than the victory speeches!

Stay tuned as more pieces become available!

Webkinz After Party Theme

Zodiac Pets are special pets that correspond with the Zodiac calendar throughout the year. For each Zodiac sign, a different Exclusive Online Pet will be available.

Find these items and many more at Ganz eStore!

283 Responses to Host an After Party with the Pisces Fish!

  1. nmbvbn says:

    one fancy looking fish up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

  2. llololollollololol says:

    omg….. i mean its cute… but… who would waste their money on a virtual pet and not one u can hold…… why dont people just save their cash while they still got it? :)

  3. walk da walk says:

    I HATE THE ESTORE!!!! why do you haave to spend real money? its soooo lame!

    And besides, zodiac stuff is weird

  4. kim says:

    iwould like to have a fish like that

  5. Olivia says:

    oh I love that fish I wanna have it woop woop!

  6. hey154 says:

    I would giv that 5 starz if 5 was the highest number you could rate it on.(:

  7. ellie says:

    that after party stuff looks cool and yes that is one cool fish i wonder if the webkinz people are ever going to make a laptop for the webkinz that would be sweet if they did that. but they need to lower the price of some things too and higher the price of the gems at the curio shop dont you think.(:

  8. domdy2001 says:

    i hate the estore because i cant buy notin

  9. domdy2001 says:

    that sounds like fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. lilly apples says:

    I like to party

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