Raise your fins… the Pisces Fish is here!
This wild and watery wanderer has finally backstroked its way into Webkinz World and it’s no surprise that it loves to play Go Fish with its Zodiac Pet pals in the Kinzville Park! Members lucky enough to adopt the Pisces Fish will receive an Underwater Archway and a tasty Cosmic Coral Kebob for their pet! |
Oooooh, did someone say PARTY?
Every Webkinz celebrity and socialite knows that after the party is…the After Party! Get ready to honor all the amazing pets who were lucky enough to win a coveted Golden Glamorous Gorilla award. All the stars will be lining up to get into this After Party! It may last even longer than the victory speeches! Stay tuned as more pieces become available! |
Zodiac Pets are special pets that correspond with the Zodiac calendar throughout the year. For each Zodiac sign, a different Exclusive Online Pet will be available.
Find these items and many more at Ganz eStore!
look, I know e-store is more expensive, but you all don’t have to copy someone’s comment.I mean think about it, wouldn’t it be really expensive for Webkikinz to make every pet they think of into a plush toy!?! They’re just trying to save money so they can actualy have webkinz online so all of us can play webkinz!! I mean don’t you want to play all the games and make a house and do jobs and answer Quizzy’s questions, and that’s only a few of the stuff you can do!!! Think of what it would’ve been like without Webkinz before you say that you don’t like e-store!!!
hope you think twice,
I think yall arnt being very nice to the e-store. How would you like it if someone said that about you?
I did a little research on estore points. The cost of a Love Puffin is equal to $12.50. I usually buy my webkins at store that has them for arount $9.99. Why would a pet that only exists on an online world cost more that a regualar sized stuffed webkinz? I fail to see logic in that. I have nothing against those people who use the estore often, I just Ganz is putting too much effort into the estore, and not focusing on the rest of us members.
Okay. I really think that all this is unecessary. The Estore gets like, 5 new themes before the w shop gets one. And really, why would anyone use their money for something that only exists on the computer? Everyone stops playing webkinz eventually. Then you’ve just wasted your money. My point? Stop making estore items, and return back to the way it was before the dark days of the estore.
you are so right.honestly, the only thing ganz cares about is money.they dont care about their
members or their feelings.
totally agreeing with you,
i hope i get my red rose
Omg i hate e-store!!!!!!!!! This isn’t fair!! Yeah, i want these items…But paying real money for something you don’t get is just NOT RIGHT!!! >:(
not another Webkinz pet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think people are making a big deal about the estore. people are just being whiny.
Estore is not good because kids dont need to spend money on something that isnt real! these people who made estore and webkinz just want to get people to spend money on something that you can feel! stop buying stuff from the estore!
ESTORE HATERS CLUB IS EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
racerxfan is soooo right! listen to him!!!!