Introducing the Grey Langur!









Hi there, readers! I’m the Grey Langur and guess what? I’m January’s Pet of the Month!

Have you ever even heard of a Grey Langur? A lot of people haven’t, you know. We are from a family of Old World Monkeys and we live in South Asia. There are even seven different types of Grey Langur:

- The Nepal Grey Langur

- The Kashmir Grey Langur

- The Tarai Grey Langur

- The Northern Plains Grey Langur

- The Black-footed Grey Langur

- The Southern Plains Grey Langur

- The Tufted Grey Langur

We’re mainly grey and we have really long tails. We’re also amazing climbers and can live in all sorts of different climates. Basically we’re pretty awesome, and if you’ve never heard of us, well, you should.

You know what? I’ll be back to share some more cool facts about Grey Langurs throughout the month. And by the end of January I’ll bet everyone will know what a Grey Langur is!

43 Responses to Introducing the Grey Langur!

  1. elizabeth says:

    i am so excited

  2. Tiffany says:

    Interesting… I wonder if this one is a Blackfoot Gray Langur. After all, it has black feet! LOL

    ~Tiffany♪♫♪ :mrgreen:

  3. Alexis says:

    where is the grey lenguar

  4. Miss X says:

    Hello friends!
    I am “a bit” new… I have been reading your comments and find it awesome that we get to participate in Webkinz World so……… Here I am! I’m thrilled to meet you all – especially I see there are some eager and fun kinz here!
    Also, I have a question – how do you know what are the *future* pets of the month… I thought you can’t possobly know that…hmmm…
    Well, have fun!
    Miss X

    • naraka789 says:

      Hello Miss X,
      Welcome to the WKN commenters.
      If you just search the internet for a while you can probably find out the future POTM pets.
      February is~Pom-Pom Kitty
      March is~Duck
      April is~?
      Peace and Purrs

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Thanks for all this info. Do all seven types live all over South Asia, or are there specific areas in which each lives? Good to know you will be telling us more! Congrats on being Pet of the Month!!

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