Is your Webkinz a Pop Diva? New items available!

Be a Pop Diva with new items from the Pop Diva Condo Theme!

Platinum Selling

Pop Star

Star Attraction

Platinum Selling

Clean as a whistle using the Pop Diva Platinum Selling Sink!

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

394 Responses to Is your Webkinz a Pop Diva? New items available!

  1. moneystar says:

    booo! i hate estore. and mabey if i were a diva my parents would give me whatever i want and then i could get estore points but all regular normal kids parents would think estore is rediculis like my parents! there ive said it!
    p.s dont mind all the spelling mistakes. im not the best speller in the world.

  2. *~**Coolgirl27965**~* says:

    Nope, my Webbies are not Pop Divas, they just try to look cool. …Also…aww it’s eStore. I don’t have eStore or Deluxe. Anyway I only like the Kinzcash Table and Pop Diva Couch. :D


    p.s I am new

  3. WEbkinzMember says:

    Whoa so cool!

  4. imeeyore says:

    Thanks WEBKINZ!!!

  5. ~+IceWolf+~ says:

    OK first, I’m NOT kidding, almost everything Ganz posts on here is eStore stuff!!! I am REALLY getting tired of it!!!!!!!! In the last 24 hours, Ganz has posted: an eStore Mystic Bear (not to mention it would have been cute with a plush), an eStore Watermelon Hound (kinda weird, but I liked it, if only it was a plush pet), and this eStore Pop Diva Room Theme (which I HATE ’cause neither me, or my pets are divas!!! So if I had a choice to get it, I wouldn’t). So I’m just saying WAAAYY too much eStore items!!! It dissapointing is to see what I see when I get on WKN, and see that there is just more stuff for eStore people. Ganz, I am VERY sad. ~IceWolf* =[

  6. glassslippers6 says:

    I have an e-store account but I only have 500 points on it and I’m not going to spend the real money it would take to buy that.

  7. panda lover says:

    theres a cool new W SHOP theme coming out called camp kinz!im totally buying it! P.S. does anyone know why webkinz isnt working!!???

  8. Ladybug22567 says:

    Hey, y isnt webkinz working today??

  9. WebkinzMember says:

    Hehe this would look cute for my pet lil’kinz persian cat, icing and fluffy (There twins) . This room would also be good for me because I LUV pop music.

  10. HersheysKissed says:

    Sweet! Everything is so vibrant and lively! I absolutely love the closet, but the rest of the room is fantastic too!

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