Is your Webkinz a Pop Diva? New items available!

Be a Pop Diva with new items from the Pop Diva Condo Theme!

Platinum Selling

Pop Star

Star Attraction

Platinum Selling

Clean as a whistle using the Pop Diva Platinum Selling Sink!

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

394 Responses to Is your Webkinz a Pop Diva? New items available!

  1. Tutu girl says:

    If you’d like to friend me I’m JordyM33or JennyM12. I know what you’re thinking . JennyM12 is my sisters wich is now mine.

  2. Tutu girl says:

    that looks so cool, but my pets aren’t divas more of like balleriana’s, candy lovers, and love the beach.

  3. Bonquiqui says:

    I am a diva myself so if you think that you are a diva buy this for your webkinz or if you add me as a friend i will buy all of you one my username is cow1014 cant wait to be friends!!!!!

  4. kennedy says:

    the pop diva condo theme room should come with its own diva cloth line for a little extra sprinkle on top

  5. brihip6 says:

    Un4tunately, my pet’s REALLY want that, but I don’t get eStore points.=(

  6. CocaCola says:

    It states that some of these things will be at the W Shop.

  7. campersyd says:

    looks cool

  8. Sam says:

    wow i wish i could get that cool room but i don’t have enough $$$

  9. Brad says:

    Okay, first that room theme is probably my favorite. Now, second, this is NOT going to be in the wShop. So, it’s going to be in the eStore. I don’t know what you are thinking. But some are thinking : ‘I’ll get it as soon as it comes out. Gotta save KinzCash!’ You need some thing called ePoints, or something. LIKE 500,000 AND YOU NEED TO PAY MONEY TO GET THEM!!!!

  10. katie says:

    so it is coming to the wshop? if so when?

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