Join the Spark Party!

Today, January 1st, 2023, at 11 am E.S.T, join Sally, Mandy and Dorothy Lou for their first Spark Party of the year!

Meet them in the Adoption Center, follow along in the Baby Showcase, socialize and spark your own New Year’s Day baby. Maybe you’ll even get caught on camera for the final video.
It’s a spark-tacular way to start the year and everyone is invited!

WHAT: New Year’s Day Spark Party!
WHEN: January 1, 2023, 11 am E.S.T.
WHERE: The Adoption Center in Webkinz Next
WHO: Sally, Mandy, Dorothy Lou
WHY: Because sparking a New Year’s baby is a great way to start 2024!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



8 Responses to Join the Spark Party!

  1. jkleemom says:

    Is there a video of the spark party posted?

  2. booreeves says:

    I missed the Spark Party, but I hope I’ll see you guys at the Meet and greet before I have my Dental surgery

  3. cr2w says:

    Was at work during the party, so sparked a baby New Year’s Eve with my panda and 2nd gen rainbow retriever. Produced a mostly medium cream colored retriever and rare – so named it Champagne.

  4. wk2nd says:

    There is a crown in the picture. Do you get a new year crown if you spark a pet today.

  5. OtterPikaLove says:

    Did you mean to write 2024?

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