Winterfest Starts Today!



From January 1 – 15, look for floating snowflakes on your Webkinz Classic account and click on them to win Winterfest prizes!


There are ten new prizes to collect this year! Here’s a look at what you can win:



You can also buy 2024 Winterfest Cookies to earn even more prizes! You can purchase them individually from the New and Promos section of the WShop, but boxes of three and six are also available:



Feeding your pet a 2024 Winterfest Cookie will earn you a random Winterfest Cookie prize, OR this year’s grand prize: A Winterfest Hot Air Balloon!


Here’s a look at this year’s prizes:



What did you win today? Let us know in the comment section below…


25 Responses to Winterfest Starts Today!

  1. vdg says:

    would you guys consider doing a winterfest room theme to be floating prizes in the snowflakes? I love the turquoise blue that is used on most of the winterfest items and would love to have a bed, wallpaper, flooring, storage etc… to match it. Even if the bed is just white I could combine a few years of winterfest prizes with it :)

  2. hannah5banana says:

    got to say it wasn’t hard to get the grand prize with the cookies I bought. I got 3 out of 4 boxes of cookies and two of them came from the same pack! Too bad though, I didn’t want one at all. I only bought the cookies to see if I could get more pet buddy cottages.

    • kaye10 says:

      wow, that’s very lucky (or not so much, sorry)… i have purchased three boxes and still do not have two of the prizes or the grand prize. thinking i should cut my losses instead of buying more boxes? if i do and i get an extra buddy cottage, i will post back here to try to get it to you… best, k. (zuemama)

      • hannah5banana says:

        Thanks. I’ll make sure I save one of the grand prizes for you in case we can trade :) chicklet711

        • kaye10 says:

          hiya h5b, sorry — i did purchase another box and there were no pet buddies among the six cookies…ugh. however, i could send you one or all of these for one balloon if you need: helping paws club spa, penguin bean bag chair, snow racer sled. np if not. best, k.

    • fdnsuf says:

      Surprisingly I got two of the pet buddy cabins in one box! I’m willing to trade one of them for one of the other winter items if you want it?

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