July’s Featured Caring Valley Pet

27 Responses to July’s Featured Caring Valley Pet

  1. princess092599 says:

    i have this panda 2

  2. cass says:

    I have had the panda for a very long time. i got the panda for my birthday present i picked it out at cracker barrell. i name it marshmallow because it has a big belly and marshmallows are big and fat.

  3. ~+IceWolf+~ says:

    I also LOVE Pandas!!! Wolves are my fave animals, and Pandas are in my fave animals somewhere!!!

  4. kquinn12 says:

    i need that tree

  5. Kristen says:

    I have a panda already, a lil kinz panda, too :) I LOVE LOVE LOVE PANDAS!!!!!!11

  6. HersheysKissed says:

    I like the tree.

  7. kinzklipfan says:

    I want that tree! My latest Caring Valley pet was either the Lion or the Skunk in 2009 and it wasn’t featured I don’t think. I don’t have the Panda yet but I’ll wait for October POTM and Caring Valley. :: kkf~~kinzklipfan~~ :: $

  8. lbeta says:

    Love the Ice-cream tree!!!

  9. patty says:

    my grand-daughter just bought and added the panda bear to her account, where is her “the caring valley” tag

    • ~+IceWolf+~ says:

      Caring Valley pets are special pets, and you have to search hard for them. She probably just got a regular Webkinz Panda, not the Caring Valley pet. Hope this info helps you!!! ~IceWolf* = )
      P.S. If you need more info, your friends on WKN will help you!

  10. dewdrop says:

    I have the Panda :(

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