June Peek-A-Newz SNEAK PEEK!

The Donkey Piñata will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this June, and she’s got a bunch of prizes you might win!

From June 1 until June 30, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Donkey Piñata 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a random prize from the June Prize Pool…including a BRAND NEW piece of furniture exclusive to Webkinz Newz!


2012 Touring Van (Uncommon)
Alexandrite Lamp (Uncommon)
Cancer Symbol Wall Decoration (Uncommon)
Metro Purple Panel Painting (Common)
Neo Gothic Fireplace (Rare)
No Parking Sign (Common)
Portable Picnic Table (Uncommon)
Portable Road Trip Fridge (Common)
Road Trip Car (Rare)
Road Trip Celery and PB Snack (Common)
Road Trip Flashing Sign (Common)
Road Trip Green Hat (Common)
Road Trip Green T-Shirt (Common)
Road Trip Red Hat (Common)
Road Trip Red T-Shirt (Common)
Road Trip Sleeping Bag (Common)
Road Trip Spree Dirt Tile Curve (Common)
Road Trip Spree Dirt Tile Sharp Turn (Common)
Road Trip Spree Dirt Tile Straight (Common)
Road Trip Tent (Uncommon)
Road Trip Yellow Hat (Common)
Road Trip Yellow Shirt (Common)
Space Explorer Shuttle (Rare)
Ultimate Challenge Sports Car (Rare)


73 Responses to June Peek-A-Newz SNEAK PEEK!

  1. megamom12 says:

    I love all of the rare ones, but if I only get one of them I hope that it is the fireplace for my Neo-Gothic room.

  2. grannyjany says:

    These June peek-a-newz prizes are very nice. I can’t wait to get some of them. The rare ones are the best, but I would really want to get the road trip spree dirt tiles.

  3. machaela says:

    Just like silvertiger4388 I have completed the challenge a few times but never received the prizes either. This has happened with peek challenges before. It would be great if you were able to fix this. The prizes look awesome.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      I just completed it and received a prize. If you already have any of the items, it can be difficult to notice that you’ve received another. Some people will clear these items from their docks before they play, just to make it easier to see if they’ve received another one.

      • silvertiger4388 says:

        I always get an announcement saying that I’ve won a prize from Webkinz Newz. I have not with this challenge. I’m still not able to receive my prizes, and they’re certainly not in my dock! On a related note, some of my awesome items still appear as grey blocks in my room. When will these objects be updated??

        • mamajo18x2 says:

          Mine are not even grey boxes they are just gone and the worse thing is they are mostly the estore items. Way to go webkinz X, never liked it never will but I renewed thinking the right thing would be done by fixing everything. 12/16 is my renewal, member since ’08 just don’t know if I will renew.

  4. silvertiger4388 says:

    PLEASE have the prizes work! I have completed the Raccutie challenge several times and not a single time has my prize been found in my dock! I get to the “you have completed the challenge” page, so I know it is not user error. I have done the peek-a-newz challenge in the past and always get my prize… not this month :( Please help!!

  5. 2003pitbull says:

    I REALLY NEED a space shuttle!! I had one and traded it :(

  6. fluff54 says:

    Wow I own most of these, but having doubles, -is something every Webkinz player knows- is the BEST!!!!!!! xD

  7. doingmydailies says:

    Awesome! These prizes are great! But which prize is new? ;D Hmmmmm

  8. ImaPepper says:

    These prizes are awesome! I sure hope I can win the Ultimate Challenge Sports car, the Space Explorer Shuttle and the Metro Purple Painting! I think I have everything else; still, great prizes!

  9. kaye10 says:

    I hope the new players read this and realize how fortunate they are to be able to get these items so easily (they were not all EASY to get before; in fact some of them required quite a lot of cost and determination–ultimate challenge sports car, e.g. …. I have one question, please– is the Metro Purple Panel Painting new, or has it been given just a little while ago? THANKS so much!! Hugs to all webbies out there ;)

  10. Pokemom says:

    Love the donkey pinata!! Mine’s named Esteban and I will enjoy looking for him all throughout June!! :D

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